Recent Posts

March, 2012

  • 29 March


    1. Face the qiblah.[1] 2. Keep the feet together or as close as possible. Ensure that the feet face towards the qiblah.[2] 3. Raise both the hands up to the chest (i.e. the fingers will be in line with the shoulders) without removing the hands from beneath the burqa.[3] 4. …

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  • 29 March

    Before Salaah

    1. Particular care should be taken to dress appropriately for salaah. A woman should wear such clothing that will conceal her entire body and hair.  It is disrespectful for her to wear tight-fitting clothing that reveals the shape of her body or to wear such thin, flimsy clothing through which …

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  • 3 March

    The deceased being buried without ghusal and Janaazah Salaah

    If a person was buried without ghusal and Janaazah Salaah, then the Janaazah Salaah will be performed at his grave, provided the body has not yet decomposed. If after performing the Janaazah Salaah and burying the deceased, it was discovered that ghusal was not given to him, then the Janaazah …

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  • 3 March

    Miscellaneous Masaa’il of Janaazah Salaah – 3

    Janaazah Salaah of One Who Commits Suicide Janaazah Salaah will be performed upon a person who commits suicide.[1] It is permissible for all the Muslims to participate in the Janaazah Salaah. However, if some of the leading Ulama do not participate in the Janaazah Salaah in order to impress the …

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  • 3 March

    Miscellaneous Masaa’il of Janaazah Salaah -2

    Janaazah Salaah of Rebels and Highway Robbers Janaazah Salaah will not be performed upon Muslims who rebel against a just Muslim ruler (in an Islamic country) in the case where they were killed whilst fighting against the Muslim ruler. However, if the rebels are apprehended and killed after the battle …

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