Sunnats and Aadaab which every person needs to adhere to in his individual life – 7

18. In Islam, there are special occasions where one is able to acquire special blessings from Allah Ta’ala. One should prepare in advance for such occasions so that one does not lose out on the opportunity of gaining the blessings of such occasions.

The way for one to prepare for such occasions is that one learns the masaail, sunnats and aadaab that relate to such occasions (i.e. how to fulfil the ibaadat of such occasions and how to conduct according to the sunnah on such occasions).

Among these special occasions is the month of Ramadhaan, the two eids, the days of qurbaani, the special days of jumuah and aashurah, the special nights of laylatul qadr and laylatul baraa’ah, when going for hajj or umrah, or when one sits in itikaaf for the last ten days of Ramadhaan.

عن محمد بن مسلمة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إن لربكم عز وجل في أيام دهركم نفحات، فتعرضوا لها، لعل أحدكم أن تصيبه منها نفحة لا يشقى بعدها أبدا (المعجم الأوسط، الرقم: 2856 وقال الهيثمي في مجمع الزوائد، الرقم: 17713، رواه الطبراني في الأوسط والكبير بنحوه، وفيه من لم أعرفه، ومن عرفتهم وثقوا)

Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamah (radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Indeed, throughout the days of your life, Allah Ta’ala has certain special moments (of acceptance). You should try (your best) to find these special moments (by continuously exerting yourself in righteous actions and engaging in abundant dua), for if one of you finds one of these special moments, then he will never become unfortunate thereafter.

Imaam Qataadah (rahimahullah) mentioned, “Allah Ta’ala, according to His wish, has afforded special honour to certain things.

“Allah Ta’ala has selected certain angels to be messengers (in conveying the message of Allah Ta’ala to the Ambiyaa (alayhimus salaam), and certain people to be Rasuls. From all types of speech, Allah Ta’ala has selected His remembrance, and from all the places on earth, Allah Ta’ala has selected the masaajid. From all the months of the year, Allah Ta’ala has selected the month of Ramadhaan and the four sacred months. From the days of the week, Allah Ta’ala selected the day of Jumu’ah, and from all the nights, Allah Ta’ala selected Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power).

“Thus, you should honour that which Allah Ta’ala has honoured, as the people of understanding know well that entities only gain importance and honour through Allah Ta’ala according them importance and honour.”  (Tafseer ibnu Katheer 4/148)


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Sunnats and Aadaab which every person needs to adhere to in his individual life – 6

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