- Using Masjid waqf items elswhere
- Using Masjid musallahs and mats in the Eid-gaa
- Experiencing a Wet dream in the Masjid
- Combing one’s hair in the Masjid
- Using Zakaat monies for the building and upkeep of the masjid
- Exercising equality between wives
- Aspects required to exercise equality in between wives
- Equality between a young and old wife
- Method of equal distribution of time between wives
- Husband Dividing his time if Working at night
- The obligation of zakaat
- Zakaat on a person who has debts
- The different types of zakaatable wealth
- Zakaat on precious stones besides gold and silver
- Working out one’s zakaat date
- The Obligation of Fasting
- Woman in haidh eating in public during Ramadhaan
- Swallowing a food particle stuck between one’s teeth while fasting
- Dental treatment while Fasting
- Fasting for one Commencing a Journey in Ramadhaan
- Fasting While Sitting for Nafl I’tikaaf
- Fasting While Sitting for Sunnah I’tikaaf
- One’s fast breaking during i’tikaaf
- Sunnah I’tikaaf out of Ramadhaan
- Making I’tikaaf Compulsory upon Oneself
Sadaqatul Fitr
- The obligation of sadaqatul fitr
- The nisaab of sadaqatul fitr
- Distributing one’s sadaqatul fitr to many poor people
- Discharging many sadaqatul fitrs to one person
- Sadaqatul fitr reaching nisaab
- The obligation of Hajj
- Amount of wealth required that makes Hajj compulsory
- Selling one’s basic necessities to perform Hajj
- Hajj for a woman who does not have a mahram
- Hajj for a person who has acres of land as his only source of income
- The position of Takbeer-e-Tashreeq in Deen
- When should the Takbeer-e-Tashreeq be recited
- Number of Takbeer-e-Tashreeq to be Recited after Fardh Salaah
- On Whom is Takbeer-e-Tashreeq Waajib
- Forgetting To Recite Takbeer-e-Tashreeq
- The obligation of Qurbaani
- Qurbaani for a musaafir
- The time of Qurbaani
- Making Qurbaani before the Eid Salaah
- Qurbaani animal slaughtered in a village before the Eid Salaah in the city
- The Final Moments
- Ghusal of the deceased
- Enshrouding the deceased
- Masaa’il Pertaining to Giving Ghusal and Enshrouding Deceased Children
- Viewing the Face of the Deceased and Taking Photos of the Deceased