Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Saheb (rahimahullah) honouring and respecting the day of Jumu’ah – Adherence to The Sunnah – Part 39

The Day of Jumu’ah is a Day of Eid for every believer. It is among the salient symbols of Islam, and the amount of respect and honour that a person shows to the Day of Jumu’ah is an indication of the amount of taqwa which he possesses in his heart. A person who has love and respect for the Day of Jumu’ah will ensure that he fulfils the sunnats pertaining to the Day of Jumu’ah.

Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Saheb (rahimahullah) had tremendous love and respect for the Day of Jumu’ah in his heart as he understood the great significance and importance of Jumu’ah in Islam. Below are some examples of the honour and respect that Hazrat (rahimahullah) would show to the Day of Jumu’ah:

Preparation for Jumu’ah

Among the sunnats of Jumu’ah is for one to have a bath on the day of Jumu’ah, trim his nails, etc. Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Saheb (rahimahullah) was very particular regarding these sunnats.

It is mentioned that on the morning of Jumu’ah, Hazrat (rahimahullah) would use a mirror and a pair of scissors to trim his moustache. He always cut it so short that it appeared as though he had shaved it. If his beard had grown more than a fist in length, he would trim it as well. Hazrat (rahimahullah) never trimmed the hair on his cheeks, throat or the hair below the bottom lip. After trimming his moustache and beard, he would clip his nails with a nail clipper.

Thereafter, he would make ghusl, using hot water during winter. He would use soap when bathing and would thereafter use a towel to wipe himself dry. He would then change into clean clothes.

Thereafter, He would apply a good amount of itr, and would also apply it on anyone else who was present. According to the different seasons, Hazrat (rahimahullah) used musk, shamaamatul ambar, oud, and khas (names of the different types of itr).

Immediately after zawaal, Hazrat (rahimahullah) would enter the musjid and perform two rakaats Tahiyyatul Wudhu, two rakaats Tahiyyatul Musjid and Salaatut Tasbeeh wherein he would recite those surahs that commence with Sabbaha or Yusabbihu. Thereafter, he would perform the four rakaats sunnah of Jumu’ah. (Hayaat-e-Mahmood 1/409-410)

Deep Love and Yearning for Jumu’ah

On one occasion, Hazrat Mufti Saheb (rahimahullah) was in hospital due to falling and fracturing his hip. He had to undergo an operation, and such was his weak condition that he continued to fall unconscious. However, whenever he regained consciousness, the first thing which he would ask was regarding salaah. Every few minutes, he would enquire about the time of salaah. His concern of salaah was such that he would remain in a state of restlessness and worry that he should not miss any salaah.

Once, on a Friday, while he was in hospital, he insisted on being taken to the Musjid to perform his Jumu’ah Salaah. As the time for salaah drew closer, his restlessness and concern for going to the musjid increased. Such was his deep yearning to go to the musjid for the Jumu’ah that he even reprimanded his attendants saying, “Why are you not taking me to the musjid? If we do not leave soon then we will miss the salaah!”

As for the attendants, then they were at a loss and did not know what to do as they could see that Hazrat (rahimahullah) was so ill that he could not even move about.

Even in this condition, he insisted on making ghusl with the desire to practice on the sunnah of making ghusl on the Day of Jumu’ah. His adherence to this sunnah was such that he never missed the ghusl of Jumu’ah – not even when the weather was bitterly cold, or when he was weak and sick.

Hence, while in this condition, with his leg in a plaster due to a fall, and despite the bitter cold of the weather, he continued to insist that he be allowed to make ghusl, until finally, his attendant helped him to perform the ghusl. (Hayaat-e-Mahmood 2/59-60)

Durood Shareef after Asr

Immediately after the Asr Salaah, the following announcement would be made in the musjid: “It is mentioned in the Hadith that whomsoever reads the following durood 80 times after the Asr Salaah, 80 years of his sins are forgiven and he receives the reward of 80 years ibaadah.”

اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ الْأُمِّيِّ وَعَلٰى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا

Accordingly, Hazrat Mufti Saheb (rahimahullah) would remain seated in his place and engage himself in reciting this durood 80 times. Similarly, almost all the musallis would remain seated and recite this durood as well. (Hayaat-e-Mahmood 1/411)


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