The Belief of Islam in Regard to the Origin of the Creation – Part One – The Responsibility of Commanding with Good and Forbidding from Evil – Part Twenty One

From the beginning of time, people of all religions believed in a Creator who is responsible for creating the world and whatever it contains.

Whether Jews, Christians or even the polytheists who were not granted any divine shari’ah – all subscribed to the belief of a god.

It was only the atheists who did not believe in the existence of a god. However, people of all denominations opposed them for rejecting the clear signs of a Creator which are manifest everywhere in the universe. Hence, their rejection of a Creator was synonymous to rejecting reality.

Nevertheless, as time passed in the world, and the forces of baatil (falsehood) continued to progress, Shaitaan and his agents established and promoted the concept of the world coming into existence by itself without the hand of a Creator behind its existence.

Thus, in the last century, the theory of the Big Bang and evolution was included in the educational syllabus of schools and universities around the world.

The Big Bang theory states that billions of years ago, there was a huge bang that took place which resulted in the formation and creation of physical objects such as planets, stars, etc. and even animal life.

The evolution theory states that through the creation of monkeys, man came into existence. In other words, after the Big Bang took place, there were animals that came into existence and there were no human beings alive in the world. Thereafter, the monkey species went through various stages and began to evolve, until eventually, it became the human being that we see and know today.

The Absurdity and Ludicrousness of the Big Bang and Evolution Theories

Both these theories (Big Bang theory and evolution theory) are absurd and ridiculous to believe. No person possessing common sense will accept if someone told him that the houses and shopping centres could come about on their own, without there being anyone to construct them. Man understands that everything in the world happens with proper systems and mediums. Hence, one requires the engineer, architect and building contractor with his entire team and material before the huge structure can be built.

When all this is required for a simple building to come into existence, then how can the entire universe come into existence by a mere bang? Undoubtedly, Allah Ta‘ala alone is the One who created the entire universe and everything contained in it.

A Bedouin once recited the following couplet:

When a lump of dung indicates that a camel had passed by and footsteps indicate that a person had passed by,

then how could a sky filled with constellations and an earth crossed with paths not indicate the existence of the Creator who is Most-Gracious and All-Aware? (Noor-ul-Anwaar pg. 173)

Despite how absurd and ludicrous these two theories are, we find that it gained popularity among the kuffaar masses and many began to believe it.

While it is possible to imagine that the kuffaar – who do not possess any deen – will be convinced by these baseless theories, it is most unfortunate and greatly alarming to find that some Muslims have also become influenced by these baseless theories taught in the schools and universities, and have thus fallen prey to the snares of Shaitaan and his agents.

The Religion of Islam – the Answer to All Questions

When we view the other heavenly religions, such as Judaism and Christianity, then though the Jews and Christians had received a heavenly kitaab (i.e. the Towraah and Injeel) and a shari’ah (religion), they distorted their kitaabs and changed their religions. Hence, the authenticity of their kitaabs and religions has been lost.

On the contrary, when we view the deen of Islam, then it is a universal religion which Allah Ta‘ala had taken divine responsibility of preserving and protecting until the end of time. Therefore, the answers to all questions that relate to the guidance of man will undoubtedly be found in Islam.

It should be borne in mind that the topics of how the world came into existence and how man was created are matters that relate to the fundamental beliefs of Islam. It is for this reason that the Qur’aan Majeed and Mubaarak Ahaadith have explained in great detail how the universe came into existence and how man had been created.

Belief of Islam in Regard to the Origin of the World

In regard to the creation of the universe, Allah Ta‘ala explains in the Qur’aan Majeed that He created the heavens and the earth in six days, Allah Ta‘ala says, Indeed, We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and no fatigue (or tiredness) came over us.” (Surah Qaaf v. 38)

In another verse, Allah Ta‘ala explains the manner in which He created the heavens and the earth in six days. Allah Ta‘ala says, “(O Muhammed!) Say (to the disbelievers), “Do you indeed disbelieve in the One who had created the earth in two days and you ascribe partners unto Him? That is the Lord of all the worlds. And He placed therein (in the world) mountains standing firm, high above it (the earth), and He placed blessings in it (the earth) and He proportioned therein its sustenance in four equal days (in duration i.e. the creation of the earth as well as placing the mountains and the vegetation etc. in the earth was all in complete four days) for those who enquire (about His creation). Thereafter, He turned towards the sky when it was smoke and said to it (the sky) and the earth, ‘Come both of you willingly or by compulsion.’ Both (the sky and earth) replied, ‘We come willingly.’ So, He completed (creating) seven skies in two days (thus completing six days) and He transmitted to every sky its duty and command.” (Surah Haa Meem Sajdah v. 9-12)

Allah Ta‘ala Creating Different Creations on Different Days

In the Mubaarak Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Allah Ta‘ala created the sand (of the earth) on Saturday, and He created in it mountains on Sunday, and He created trees on Monday, and He created everything which is disliked (and evil) on Tuesday, and He created noor (light) on Wednesday, and He (created and) spread out animals in the earth on Thursday, and He created Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) after asr on the Day of Jumu’ah (Friday), as the last of the creations, during the last hour from the hours of the Day of Jumu’ah, between asr and the night (i.e. sunset).” (Saheeh Muslim #2789)

From the abovementioned verses and Hadith, it is clear that the universe did not come into existence through a Big Bang, rather the universe was created by Allah Ta‘ala Himself.

Similarly, from the Hadith, we clearly see that Allah Ta‘ala created each creation and placed them in the earth before creating Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam) and Hazrat Hawwaa (‘alaihas salaam) and sending them to the earth.

Hence, the Big Bang theory and the evolution theory directly and diametrically oppose the clear verses of the Qur’aan Majeed and the Mubaarak Ahaadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).

The Ulama explain that if a person believes in the Big Bang theory and the evolution theory, his belief will oppose the clear verses of the Qur’aan Majeed and the Mubaarak Ahaadith. Hence, on account of him disbelieving in the Qur’aan Majeed and Mubaarak Ahaadith, he will come out from the fold of Islam (may Allah Ta‘ala save us all!).

To be Continued


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