Hazratjee Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saheb (rahimahullah) Upholding the Sunnah – Part Two – Adherence to The Sunnah – Part 44

The Sunnah of Wearing the Topi

Among the sunnats of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is the sunnah of wearing the topi. The blessed Ahaadith make mention of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) wearing the topi, and descriptions of the various topis of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) can be found in the Ahaadith as well.

Hence, Hazratjee Moulana Maseehullah Saheb (rahimahullah) was very particular regarding the sunnah of wearing the topi. Whether it was night or day, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would never be seen without the topi, and it was only when he was making wudhu and ghusal that he would remove the topi, for a few moments (to make masah of the head), after which he would immediately wear it again.

In fact, the importance which Hazratjee (rahimahullah) showed to wearing the topi was such that on one occasion, when he was sick in old age, he was reclining against a cushion due to feeling weak. While he was resting in this manner, the breeze of the fan caused his topi to fall off his head onto the ground.

When he perceived this, he immediately raised his hand towards his head to see whether his topi was still on his head or not. When he realized that the topi had fallen off, he looked around to see where the topi was. Due to extreme weakness, he was unable to walk to pick it up, so he moved on his knees, picked it up and placed it back onto his head. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 377)

The Sunnah of Wearing the Pants Above the Ankles

In the Mubaarak Ahaadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has warned the ummah that wearing the lower garment (pants or lungi) below the ankles is a sin and is a means of one being punished in the fire of Jahannum. Furthermore, allowing the pants to drag on the ground causes it to become dirty.

It is for this reason that if Hazratjee (rahimahullah) noticed someone who was wearing his pants below his ankles, then he would correct him. In this regard, it is mentioned that Hazratjee (rahimahullah) once saw a certain person, with whom he was acquainted, and this person’s pants was below his ankles. Hazratjee (rahimahullah) told him to lift his pants and wear it above the ankles, as this is the teaching of deen. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 446)

The Sunnah of Visiting the Sick and Consoling the Bereaved

Among the noble and sublime sunnats of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) are the sunnats of visiting the sick and consoling the bereaved.

Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was very particular in regard to fulfilling these sunnats, and hence if any person was sick, then Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would make a point of visiting him. Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would speak to the sick person and give him such words of encouragement that his hope and spirits would be lifted.

A certain person mentioned that while he was staying in Jalaalabaad, he once fell very ill. He said that during the period of his illness, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would come to visit him for a short while every day.

Similarly, if anyone passed away, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would make a point of visiting the bereaved and consoling them. If for some reason he could not manage to visit the bereaved, then he would make a point of sending a letter to them with kind words and duas of maghfirat (forgiveness) and elevation of stages for the deceased.

Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would often advise others saying, “Go for ta’ziyat (to give condolence to the bereaved), regardless of whether the person who passed away is your relative or not. If you cannot go for some reason, then send a letter of ta’ziyat to the bereaved.” (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 255-256)

The Sunnah Manner of Sleeping

It is mentioned in the Mubaarak Hadith that when Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) would go to bed, then he would sleep on his right side. Hazratjee (rahimahullah) always practiced upon this blessed sunnat of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and slept on his right side.

On one occasion, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) mentioned, “When going to sleep, you should first lie down on your right-hand side. By doing this, the sunnah will be fulfilled. Thereafter, if you turn onto the other side, there will be no harm, as the sunnah was fulfilled.” (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 207)

Note: The Fuqaha mention that the sunnah method of sleeping is that a person should commence sleeping on his right side. Thereafter, if he turns onto his left side, the sunnah will still be fulfilled. (Fataawa Hindiyyah 5/376)


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