Salaah in the Life of Hazratjee Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saheb (rahimahullah) Adherence to The Sunnah – Part 42

After imaan, the most important and fundamental pillar of Islam is salaah. In the Mubaarak Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Salaah is the (centre) pillar of Deen.” (Shu’abul Imaan #2550) Similarly, in another Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said that the key to Jannah is salaah. (Sunan Tirmizi #4)

It is for this reason we find that the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), the Taabi’een and all our pious predecessors (rahimahumullah) were extremely particular regarding their salaah. Punctuality upon performing the five daily salaah with jamaat in the musjid, as well as the various sunnah salaahs such as Tahajjud, etc. was the cornerstone and glaring feature in all their lives.

Punctuality Upon Performing the Fardh Salaah with Jamaat in the Musjid

From a young age, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was punctual upon performing his five daily salaah in the musjid with jamaat. After becoming baaligh, the people of the locality would appoint him to lead the salaah, and at times, he would also call out the azaan. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 65)

In this manner, throughout his life, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) remained punctual upon performing the five daily salaah with jamaat in the musjid. Through the heat of summer and the cold of winter, and even through rain – Hazratjee (rahimahullah) remained steadfast upon going to the musjid for his salaah.

Going to the Musjid in the Rain

On one occasion, while leaving home to go to the musjid for salaah, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) had seen that there was a slight drizzle. As Hazratjee (rahimahullah) reached the veranda, it began to rain. Seeing the rain, some of the people who were present suggested to Hazratjee (rahimahullah) that they should perform salaah at home instead of going to the musjid. However, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) did not accept this suggestion and said, “No! We will go to the musjid!”

Thereafter, despite the rain and the muddy ground, they reached the musjid and performed their salaah with jamaat in the musjid. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 192-194)

Going to the Musjid Despite Sickness and Weakness

When Hazratjee (rahimahullah) became advanced in age, then due to ill health and weakness, he would at times perform some of his salaah at home with jamaat. However, even in this condition, the majority of his fajr salaahs would be performed in the musjid.

On account of his weak and ailing condition, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would go to the musjid while taking support from two people, just as it is reported in the Mubaarak Hadith that during the final illness of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), he would go to the musjid for salaah while taking support from two Sahaabah.

At times, the weakness would be so severe that Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would not be able to continue walking. He would thus pause on the way in order to rest for a few moments and recover his breath. Thereafter, he would stand up and continue walking. On arriving at the musjd, he would once again sit to recover his breath, and after his breathing had slowed down and normalized, he would stand up and commence performing salaah.

Punctuality upon the Nafl Salaahs

Together with his punctuality upon performing his fardh salaah with jamaat in the musjid, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was also punctual upon performing the various nafl salaahs such as tahajjud, chaasht (salaat-ud-duha), ishraaq and awwaabeen. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 195)

In regard to tahajjud salaah, then it is mentioned that Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was punctual upon performing tahajjud salaah from a young age, and this devotion to tahajjud salaah remained until the very end of his life. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 65)

It was Hazratjee’s (rahimahullah) habit to wake up for tahajjud at least one hour before the Fajr azaan. After going to the bathroom and making wudhu, he would commence performing his tahajjud salaah. It was Hazratjee’s (rahimahullah) practice to perform twelve rakaats of tahajjud salaah. However, at times when he was ill or weak, then he would reduce the amount of rakaats that he performed in his tahajjud salaah.

Expressing the favour and kindness of Allah Ta‘ala upon himself, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) once mentioned, “Alhamdulillah, whether I was traveling or at home, and whether I was healthy or sick, no matter what my condition may have been – until today, I have never missed my tahajud salaah. Even in the state of illness, if I had to lie down and perform my tahajjud salaah with gestures, I did so, but I did not miss my tahajjud salaah.” (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 230)

Salaah in His Final Moments

Hazratjee (rahimahullah) passed away on the night of Jumu’ah (i.e. Thursday night) 17th Jumaadal Oolaa. On that night, due to his illness, he was afflicted with severe coughing and his breathing had become quite heavy as well. In this state, due to weakness, he performed his esha salaah with gestures while lying in bed. After performing the esha salaah, he also performed four rakaats of tahajjud salaah before performing his witr salaah. Hence, even in this weak and ailing state, as he was about to breath his last, he still remained punctual upon his tahajjud salaah. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummah pg. 684)


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