The Quality of Consideration for Others in the Life of Hazratjee (rahimahullah) – Part Two – Adherence to The Sunnah – Part 46

Paying the Tailor on Time

Among the important teachings of deen is that one should not delay in settling his debts and in paying people for their services. In one Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Pay the worker his fee before his perspiration dries (i.e. pay him quickly).” (Sunan Ibnu Maajah #2443) In another Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “The procrastination of a wealthy person (in settling his debts that are due) is (a form of) oppression.” (Saheeh Bukhaari #2400)

Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was very particular about paying people their dues on time. On one occasion, after asr, Hazratjee’s (rahimahullah) tailor brought a few topis with other items which he had sewn for Hazratjee (rahimahullah). Hazratjee (rahimahullah) would keep these topis for the purpose of giving them to people who asked him for one of his topis to keep as tabarruk (a means of acquiring barakah).

Nevertheless, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) asked the tailor the cost of the items he had sewn (i.e. the topis and the other items which he had sewn). The tailor replied that he had sewn a kurta, a pants and a few topis, the cost of which was twenty-seven and a half rupees. After speaking to the tailor for a little while, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) then intended to pay him for the items he had sewn.

At that time, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was outside, and in order to fetch the money, he needed to go inside. Looking at Hazratjee’s (rahimahullah) old age, illness and weakness, a person who was present suggested that Hazratjee (rahimahullah) should not take the takleef of going inside to fetch the money to pay the tailor, and offered to settle the debt the following day on Hazratjee’s (rahimahullah) behalf.

However, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) did not accept this suggestion, and despite his weak condition, he stood up, went inside, fetched the money and paid the tailor. In fact, instead of paying the tailor twenty-seven and a half rupees, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) gave him extra and paid him thirty rupees. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 189)

Compassion to Animals

The deep compassion of Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was not restricted to people – rather Hazratjee’s (rahimahullah) quality of compassion and consideration even extended to the animals, as they are also the creation of Allah Ta‘ala.

It is mentioned that Hazratjee (rahimahullah) was once traveling somewhere by horse and carriage, and he observed that the driver was hitting the horse unnecessarily. Hazratjee (rahimahullah) immediately advised the driver saying, “Do not hit the horse for no reason,” but the driver did not listen and continued to hit the horse.

Seeing this, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) could not tolerate it. Hence, he made the driver stop the carriage, after which he dismounted, paid the driver and began to walk. This was despite the fact that the destination was seven miles away, and Hazratjee (rahimahullah) had to walk on foot in the sweltering heat of summer. (Hayaate Maseehul Ummat pg. 221-222)

This compassion to the horse was also in emulation of the Mubaarak Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), as it is reported in the Hadith that on one occasion, Hazrat Aaishah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) was mounted on a camel that was not completely tame. Since the animal was giving her some difficulty, she was a little hard with the animal. Observing this, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said to her, “O Aaishah! Be gentle with the animal, for this quality of gentleness is such that when it is added to anything, it creates beauty in it, and when it is removed from anything, it causes it to become ugly.” (Sunan Abu Dawood #4808)

Compassion to a Cat

It is similarly mentioned that on one occasion, a cat came and slept on Hazratjee’s (rahimahullah) bed. When Hazratjee (rahimahullah) entered his room and saw the cat fast asleep on his bed, then he did not wish to disturb it by waking it up. Hence, Hazratjee (rahimahullah) left it sleeping on the bed and slept elsewhere that night. (Tazkirah Maseehul Ummat pg. 178)


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