Hazrat Moulana Ilyaas’s (rahimahullah) Adherence and Love for the Sunnah – Part Two – Adherence to The Sunnah – Part 21

Hazrat Moulana Ilyaas’s (rahimahullah) Adherence and Love for the Sunnah

Moulana Muhammed Ilyaas (rahimahullah) had deep love for the Mubaarak Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Such was his unique love for the Mubaarak Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) that in every facet of his life, he endeavoured to emulate Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).

Qari Sayyid Ridha Hasan says, “Once, during his final illness, Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) came to the musjid to perform salaah. Due to extreme weakness, Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) came to the musjid while taking support from two men.

It was the desire of Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) that in this state of extreme weakness, in his final illness, he be brought to the musjid for salaah while being supported on both sides, as this was the exact manner in which Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was brought to the musjid for salaah in his final illness.

(Hazrat Moulana Muhammed Ilyaas aur un ki Deeni Da’wat pg. 243)

Adhering to the Sunnah Manner of Performing Wudhu

On one occasion, an attendant was assisting Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) to make wudhu during his illness. Mistakenly, he began pouring water from the elbow towards the hand, whereas the Sunnah is to wash from the hand towards the elbow.

On noticing this, Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) immediately stopped him and said, “The Sunnah method is to pour water from the hand towards the elbow. To leave out the Sunnah and carry out any action contrary to the Sunnah is to show ingratitude to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Why are you causing me to show ingratitude to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)?” (Mere Hajee Sahib, page 168)

The Sunnah of the Beard

If Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) ever saw the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) being neglected or trampled, it would bring deep pain and severe grief to his heart.

It is mentioned that on one occasion, when Moulana Muhammed Ilyaas (rahimahullah) visited a certain village in Mewat, the local people presented a youngster before him who was clean shaven. They began to praise the youngster and mentioned that he had completed the recitation of the entire Qur’aan Majeed in one of the maktabs.

The local people had expected that Moulana (rahimahullah) would be pleased and delighted to hear the news. However, contrary to their expectations, Moulana (rahimahullah) was heartbroken and disappointed.

Seeing the youngster, Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) said, “His beard is shaven! Neither on his face nor in his clothing is there any sign of Islam!”

(Hazrat Moulana Muhammed Ilyaas aur un ki Deeni Da’wat pg. 88-89)

Drinking with the Right Hand

Hajee Abdul Wahaab (rahimahullah) mentioned, “I was once standing in the courtyard of Nizaamuddeen. At that time, Moulana Muhammad Ilyas (rahimahullah) was in his room, and a certain person came in while drinking with his left hand. Observing this, a Mewati shouted, ‘Brother! Drink with your own hand (i.e. do not drink with the hand of shaitaan, the left hand).’

“Hearing this, Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) remarked, ‘You have spoken the truth. Nowadays, you will find elderly people drinking tea with the left hand.”

Hajee Abdul Wahaab (rahimahullah) then mentioned, “On many such occasions, when seeing people leave out the Sunnah, Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) would be so affected and hurt that he would begin to weep.” (Mere Hajee Sahib, page 168)


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