Recent Posts

April, 2012

  • 10 April

    Second Rakaat, Qa`dah and Salaam

    Second Rakaat 1. After the second sajdah say the takbeer and stand up for the second rakaat.[1] 2. When rising from sajdah, first raise the forehead, then the nose, then the hands and lastly the knees.[2] 3. When getting up, do not take support from the ground (unless there is …

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  • 10 April


    1. Sit on the left buttock and place both the feet on the right side.[1] 2. The thighs should be joined together.[1] 3. Place the hands on the thighs with the fingers together and the fingertips at the edge of the knees.[2] 4. Fix the gaze on the area between …

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March, 2012

  • 31 March


    1. Say the takbeer and proceed into sajdah.[1] 2. First place the knees on the ground, then the palms, then the nose and lastly the forehead.[2] 3. Keep the fingers closed, facing towards the qiblah.[3] 4. Place the palms parallel to the ears.[4] 5. Draw the limbs of the body …

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  • 31 March

    Ruku and Qaumah for Females

    1. Say the takbeer and go into ruku.[1] Note: The takbeeraat-e-intiqaaliyyah (takbeer which is recited when moving from one posture to another) should be commenced as soon as one begins moving to the next posture and should only be completed when one reaches that posture.[1] 2. Bend slightly to the …

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  • 29 March


    1. Face the qiblah.[1] 2. Keep the feet together or as close as possible. Ensure that the feet face towards the qiblah.[2] 3. Raise both the hands up to the chest (i.e. the fingers will be in line with the shoulders) without removing the hands from beneath the burqa.[3] 4. …

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