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September, 2015

  • 3 September

    Shamaail – Hadith 5

    عن علي بن أبي طالب قال : لم يكن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بالطويل ولا بالقصير ، شثن الكفين والقدمين ، ضخم الرأس ، ضخم الكراديس ، طويل المسربة ، إذا مشى تكفأ تكفؤا كأنما ينحط من صبب ، لم أر قبله ولا بعده مثله ، صلى الله عليه …

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  • 2 September

    Islamic Conduct

    Very often you get complaints of a person squeezing the worker as much as he can. So what Islam are we showing him? He will be left without having any respect for you or for your religion. Our niyyat needs to be correct. Islamic values need to be extended in …

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  • 1 September

    Imaan in Grave Danger

    Honesty, trustworthiness, kindness to parents, respect to elders, decency (in manner, speech, dressing, etc.) and a host of other basic values are cherished by one and all. The reality, however, is that such values are gradually becoming rare and extinct. While there could be many factors which cause this lamentable …

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August, 2015

  • 31 August

    Contentment – The key to curbing man’s desires

    Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) writes: It is a common observation and a fact proven through experience that man, regardless of how much wealth he may acquire, never remains satisfied and content with his lot. With the exception of a few blessed servants of Allah Ta’ala, this is …

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  • 29 August

    Ali bin Saalih (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) on his Deathbed

    Abdullah bin Moosa says: “I was once on a journey when Ali bin Saalih (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) passed away. When I returned, I visited his brother Hasan bin Saalih to pay my condolences and was overtaken by weeping. His brother said: “Listen to his story first before you weep. His story …

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