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October, 2011

  • 12 October

    Qurbaani of an animal whose tail or ear is cut off

    Q: If an animal’s tail or ear is cut off, will it suffice for qurbaani? A: Some of the Hanafi Fuqaha have preferred the opinion that if more than one-third of the animal’s tail or ear is cut off, the Qurbaani will not be valid. However, most of the Hanafi …

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  • 12 October

    Qurbaani of an animal whose eyesight is impaired

    Q: Can an animal whose eyesight is impaired be slaughtered for qurbaani? A: If more than half of the animal’s eyesight is lost, it will not suffice for Qurbaani. (ويضحي بالجماء والخصي والثولاء) أي المجنونة (إذا لم يمنعها من السوم والرعي) (وإن منعها لا) تجوز التضحية بها (والجرباء السمينة) فلو …

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  • 12 October

    Age of the Qurbaani Animal

    Q: What age should the animal be in order for the Qurbaani to be valid? A: Goats and sheep have to be at least one year old. However, if a six-month-old sheep resembles a one year old, the Qurbaani will be valid. Bulls, buffaloes, cows and oxen have to be …

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  • 12 October

    Finding the lost Qurbaani animal

    Q: A person purchased an animal for qurbaani. Before the day of qurbaani, the animal got lost. After purchasing the second animal, the first animal was found. Which of the two animals should he slaughter? A: If qurbaani was waajib upon the one who purchased the animal, then he has …

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  • 12 October

    Selling some of the shares in the Qurbaani animal

    Q: A person purchased a bull for Qurbaani. Later on he decides to sell some shares of the animal to people who intend doing Qurbaani. Will it be permissible for him to sell some of the shares? A: At the time of purchasing the animal, if the person had the …

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