Recent Posts

January, 2012

  • 29 January

    The Janaazah Salaah

    The religion of Islam advocates and commands that one fulfil the obligations he owes to Allah Ta’ala and the obligations he owes to the servants of Allah Ta’ala. Regarding the obligations and rights one owes the servants of Allah Ta’ala, these can be divided into two types of rights. The …

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  • 28 January

    Miscellaneous Masaa’il of Ghusal

    Ruling of ghusal for a deceased male when there are no Muslim males present If a man passes away and there are no Muslim males present to give him ghusal, rather there are only females present, then: If he is married, his wife should give him ghusal. It is impermissible …

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  • 28 January

    The Collapse of the Fourteen Towers of Kisra’s Palace

    On the eve of the birth of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), an earthquake shook the palace of Kisra, the Persian King, causing fourteen towers of the palace to collapse. The fire in the temple of Persia, which had been burning continuously for a thousand years was suddenly extinguished and Lake …

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  • 23 January

    Viewing the Face of the Deceased and Taking Photos of the Deceased

    It is only permissible for mahram women of a deceased male to see his face. Similarly only the mahram males may view the face of a deceased female.[1] It is not permissible to take photos of people who are living or people who have passed away. Hence, taking a photo …

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  • 23 January

    Masaa’il Pertaining to Giving Ghusal and Enshrouding Deceased Children

      A boy and girl who are close to the age of puberty will be enshrouded in the same manner that a baaligh male and female are enshrouded.[1] As far as minors who are not close to the age of puberty are concerned, it is best to enshroud a minor …

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