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March, 2018

  • 22 March

    Faatimah bint Murr

    Hazrat ibn ‘Abbaas (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) says: As ‘Abdul Muttalib set out with his son, ‘Abdullah, to perform the nikaah, they passed by a Jewish woman by the name of Faatimah bint Murr who was well-versed with the Towraat and Injeel. When her gaze fell on the light of Nubuwwat radiating …

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  • 22 March

    Commitment with Consistency

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: Allah Ta‘ala speaks of two qualities that allowed the Bani Israaeel to be appointed as leaders i.e. guides for dispensing hidaayat. One is the quality of yaqeen and conviction. When a person has the conviction of anything then he will be prompted to …

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  • 21 March

    Keeping Good Intentions when Delivering a Sermon

    عن مالك بن دينار عن الحسن قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم ما من عبد يخطب خطبة إلا الله عز و جل سائله عنها أظنه قال ما أراد بها. قال جعفر كان مالك بن دينار إذا حدث بهذا الحديث بكى حتى ينقطع ثم يقول تحسبون أن عيني …

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  • 20 March

    ‘Abdullah’s Marriage to Aaminah

    When ‘Abdul Muttalib finally completed paying the ransom for ‘Abdullah’s life, his next concern was to get him married. He sent a marriage proposal on behalf of ‘Abdullah for the hand of Aaminah, the daughter of Wahb bin ‘Abdu Manaaf of the eminently noble Banu Zuhrah tribe. She was, at …

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  • 20 March

    The Forefathers of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) – Part Eight

    ‘Abdullah Hafiz ‘Asqalaani (rahimahullah) says that the name of the father of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was ‘Abdullah. He has also mentioned that there is no difference of opinion regarding this fact. The name ‘Abdullah is one of the names which is most beloved to Allah Ta‘ala, as a Hadith …

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