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December, 2011

  • 29 December

    The auspicious birth

    At the break of dawn on Monday the 8th of Rabi Ul-Awwal, corresponding to April 570 A.D., in the Holy city of Makkah Mukarramah, in the house of Abu Taalib, the greatest of mankind, the leader of the progeny of Aadam, Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) entered this world. It …

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  • 28 December

    Enshrouding the deceased

    Method of Laying Out the Kafan and Enshrouding the Male Deceased It is sunnah to enshroud a man in three cloths i.e. a qamees (kurta), an izaar (loincloth), and a lifaafah (sheet).[1] The izaar (loincloth) will be from the head to the toe. The lifaafah (sheet) should be slightly longer …

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