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September, 2011

  • 21 September

    Unable to travel after tying the ihraam

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who tied his Ihraam for Hajj or Umrah but due to illness he was unable to travel? How will he come out of ihraam? A: He should appoint someone to slaughter a damm on his behalf in the precincts of the …

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  • 21 September

    One performing Tamattu Hajj travelling to Madinah Munawwarah

    Q: Zaid set out to perform Tamattu Hajj from South Africa during the months of Hajj. After performing Umrah he proceeded to Madinah Munawwarah or Taif. When he returned to Makkah Mukarramah he only tied the ihraam for Hajj and he did not make Umrah. Will his Hajj be regarded …

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  • 21 September

    Masnoon time of wuquf in Arafah

    Q: What is the masnoon time of wuquf in Arafah? A: From Zawaal of the ninth till sunset. و اما سننه فالغسل للوقوف و الخطبتان و كونهما بعد الزوال قبل الصلوة …و تعجيل الوقوف بعده… و إذا غربت الشمس أفاض الإمام و الناس معه ( غنية 160-161 ) Answered by: Mufti …

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  • 21 September

    Time for wuquf in Arafah

    Q: When can the wuquf of Arafah be made? A: The wuquf of Arafah can be made from zawaal of the ninth of Zul Hijjah till subh saadiq of the tenth. ( هو )… ( زيارة ) أي طواف ووقوف ( مكان مخصوص ) أي الكعبة وعرفة ( في زمن …

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  • 21 September

    Missing the wuquf in Arafah due to being hospitalised

    Q: If a Haaji missed the wuquf in Arafah due to being hospitalised, will his Hajj be valid? A: His Hajj will not be valid. فصل في ركن الطواف…أما ركنه فكينونته بعرفة و لو لحظة علي أي وجه كان ناويا او لا عالما بانه عرفة او جاهلا نائما او يقظان …

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