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September, 2011

  • 27 September

    Pelting more than half of the prescribed number of pebbles during the days of pelting

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who pelted more than half of the prescribed number of pebbles during the days of pelting? A: He should make qadha of what he missed as long as it is before sunset of the thirteenth and he should give sadaqah for …

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  • 27 September

    Pelting less than half of the prescribed number of pebbles during the days of pelting

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who pelted less than half of the prescribed number of pebbles during the days of pelting? A: He should make qadha of the pelting he missed as long as it is before sunset of the thirteenth and slaughter one damm. If …

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  • 27 September

    Penalty for not pelting for one day

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who did not pelt on one day? A: He should make qadha of the day he missed as long as it is before sunset of the thirteenth and give one damm. If the days of pelting have ended then only one …

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  • 27 September

    Number of pebbles used for pelting

    Q: What is the prescribed amount of pebbles that must be used to pelt each jamarah? A: It is waajib upon a Haaji to pelt each jamarah with seven pebbles separately. ( ورمى جمرة العقبة من بطن الوادي ) ويكره تنزيها من فوق( سبعا حذفا ) بمعمتين أي برؤوس الأصابع …

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  • 27 September

    The ruling for a person who did not pelt during the days of pelting

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who did not pelt at all during the days of pelting? A: One damm will be waajib upon him. ( أو ) ترك … الرمي كله أو في يوم واحد أو الرمي الأول وأكثره أي أكثر رمي يوم (اي يجب الدم …

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