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July, 2011

  • 2 July

    Cooking on an open fire whilst Fasting

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who cooks on open fire? Will the smoke unintentionally inhaled whilst fasting nullify his fast? A: The smoke inhaled unintentionally whilst cooking will not nullify the fast. (أو دخل حلقه غبار أو ذباب أو دخان ) ولو ذاكرا استحسانا لعدم إمكان …

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  • 2 July

    Zakaat of a waived debt for the previous years

    Q: If the creditor waives the debt of the debtor who purchased goods of trade from him, will the zakaat of the debt remain compulsory upon the creditor for the previous years? A: If the creditor waives the debt of a poor person, then since the poor person is a recipient of zakaat, …

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  • 2 July

    Burning Lawbaan or any other Incense Sticks whilst Fasting

    Q: Is it permissible for a person whilst fasting to scent the musjid through burning lawbaan or any other incense sticks? A: It is makrooh for a fasting person to burn lawbaan or incense sticks in the musjid or anywhere else, due to the fear that he will inhale the …

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  • 2 July

    Fasting while on a Journey

    Q: Is it compulsory for a Musaafir to fast while on a journey? A: It is not compulsory for a Musaafir to fast while travelling. Shari’ah has granted a Musaafir concession to not fast and to make up for the missed fast upon returning home after the month of Ramadhaan. …

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  • 2 July

    Zakaat on Rent owed to a Person

    Q: Is zakaat fardh on rent owed to a person? A: Zakaat is fardh upon rent once it is received provided it reaches the nisaab and one year passes over it. Zakaat is not fardh on the past years. (و) اعلم أن الديون عند الإمام ثلاثة قوي ومتوسط وضعيف (فتجب) …

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