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September, 2011

  • 19 September

    Delaying Hajj due to business or domestic commitments

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who has the means to perform Hajj but does not go for Hajj due to him having many responsibilities such as seeing to the business or taking the children to school? A: Not being able to perform Hajj due to one’s …

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  • 7 September

    Performing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat in the State of Haidh

    Q: A woman sets out to perform Hajj. Before performing the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat she experienced haidh. Can she perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat in the state of haidh? A: It is not permissible for her to perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat in the state of haidh. She must perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat once she becomes pure. …

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  • 7 September

    Delaying Hajj due to not finding someone to run one’s business

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a person who has the means to perform Hajj but does not go for Hajj due to him not being able to find someone to run his business in his absence? A: Not being able to find someone to run the business is …

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  • 7 September

    Hajj for a person who has acres of land as his only source of income

    Q: A person owns many acres of land which is his only source of income. However, if he sells some portion of the land or all of it then he will have sufficient wealth to perform Hajj. Is Hajj compulsory upon him? A: If he is able to sell that …

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  • 7 September

    Hajj for a woman who does not have a mahram

    Q: If a woman has the means to perform Hajj but does not have a mahram to accompany her, will Hajj be compulsory upon her? A: It will not be compulsory upon her to go for Hajj if she does not have a mahram to accompany her. She should perform …

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