Recent Posts

June, 2012

  • 23 June

    Leaving the Musjid to Smoke while in I’tikaaf

    Q: Is it permissible for a person sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf to leave the musjid to smoke? A: It is impermissible. ( وحرم عليه ) أي على المعتكف اعتكافا واجبا أما النفل فله الخروج لأنه منه له لا مبطل كما مر ( الخروج إلا لحاجة الإنسان ) طبيعية كبول وغائط …

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  • 23 June

    Hafiz Leaving the Musjid to Perform Taraweeh While in I’tikaaf

    Q: What is the Shar’i ruling if a hafiz (who is sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf) leaves the musjid to perform taraaweeh? A: If he leaves the musjid to perform taraweeh, his sunnah i’tikaaf will break. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. ( وحرم عليه ) أي على المعتكف اعتكافا واجبا …

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  • 23 June

    Leaving the Musjid to Perform Ghusal to Cool Oneself in I’tikaaf

    Q: Is it permissible for one sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf to leave the musjid for a ghusal in order to cool himself? A: It is not permissible to leave the musjid for a ghusal in order to cool oneself. ( وحرم عليه ) أي على المعتكف اعتكافا واجبا أما النفل …

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  • 23 June

    Performing Ghusal After Relieving Oneself in I’tikaaf

    Q: If one left the musjid with the intention of relieving himself and thereafter made ghusal, will the I’tikaaf break? A: The I’tikaaf will not break. لو خرج لها ثم ذهب لعيادة مريض أو صلاة جنازة من غير أن يكون خرج لذلك قصدا فإنه جائز كما في البحر عن البدائع. …

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  • 23 June

    Going for Friday Ghusal in I’tikaaf

    Q:  Can a person in i’tikaaf have a Friday bath with the intention that it is sunnah? Is it better for him not to have the Friday bath? A: One should not leave the musjid with the intention of taking a sunnah bath. If one leaves the Musjid with the …

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