Recent Posts

March, 2018

  • 27 March

    The Collapse of Chosroes Palace and the Drying of Lake Saawah – Part Three

    ‘Abdul Maseeh returned to Chosroes and informed him of what had transpired. Upon hearing this, Chosroes exclaimed, “The elapse of fourteen kingdoms takes a period of time, but it does not take long for time to pass.” Ten out of the fourteen kingdoms ceased to exist in just four years …

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  • 27 March

    The Collapse of Chosroes’ Palace and the Drying of Lake Saawah – Part Two

    Nu’maan bin Munzir promptly despatched a well travelled scholar by the name of ‘Abdul Maseeh Ghassaani to Chosroes. When ‘Abdul Maseeh Ghassaani appeared in the court, Chosroes asked, “Do you have any knowledge of whatever I wish to ask of you?” ‘Abdul Maseeh replied, “You may ask me your question. …

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  • 27 March

    The Collapse of Chosroes’ Palace and the Drying of Lake Saawah – Part One

    On the night of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)’s birth, a tremor struck the palace of Chosroes causing all fourteen towers of the palace to collapse. The fire that had perpetually blazed in the Persian fire-temple for a thousand years was abruptly extinguished. Lake Saawah also unexpectedly dried up. Chosroes was …

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  • 27 March

    The Auspicious Birth – Part Two

    It is reported on the authority of Ka’b Ahbaar (rahimahullah) that the previous scriptures describe the honoured personality of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) in the following words: محمد رسول اللّٰه مولده بمكة ومهاجره بيثرب وملكه بالشام “Muhammed, the Rasul of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam); his birthplace will be Makkah Mukarramah …

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  • 27 March


    Adab (respect and etiquette) is the secret to success and progress. The amount of progress that a person will make in his life is proportionate to the amount of adab that he possesses. It is imperative for one to learn the aadaab (etiquettes) when dealing with people – especially one’s …

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