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March, 2018

  • 26 March

    The Solution to Abstaining from Backbiting

    Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned: I received a letter from a person who wrote to me saying, “If you know any solution for saving oneself from gheebah (backbiting), then please share it with me, I will be grateful.” In reply, I wrote, “The solution is for …

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  • 25 March

    The Auspicious Birth – Part One

    The greatest of humans, the leader of the children of Aadam (‘alaihis salaam), Muhammad Mustafaa Ahmed Mujtabaa (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was born into this world fifty or fifty five days after the incident of the elephants, at the time of dawn on Monday 8th Rabee’-ul-Awwal, corresponding to April 570 A.D. …

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  • 25 March

    The Incident of the People of the Elephants – Part Four

    ‘Abdul Muttalib thereafter took a few people with him and proceeded to the Ka‘bah so that they could all implore and beg Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa. At this juncture, ‘Abdul Muttalib recited the following poetic couplets of du‘aa: لاهمّ إن المرء يمنع رحله فامنع رحالك “O Allah! A man takes …

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  • 25 March

    The Incident of the People of the Elephants – Part Three

    Accompanied by a few leaders of Quraish, ‘Abdul Muttalib set out to meet Abrahah. Upon reaching, he sent a message to Abrahah informing him of his arrival. When ‘Abdul Muttalib arrived, Abrahah gave him a grand welcome. Allah Ta’ala had blessed ‘Abdul Muttalib with unparalleled handsomeness, remarkable eminence, imposing awe, …

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  • 25 March

    The Incident of the People of the Elephants – Part Two

    When the Arabs heard of the church that Abrahah erected, a member of the Kinaanah tribe defaced the building by passing stool within its precincts and thereafter fleeing. Some are of the opinion that a few Arab youngsters lit a fire in the vicinity of the church. A gust of …

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