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September, 2020

  • 28 September

    Beliefs regarding the Angels

    1. Angels are a sinless creation of Allah Ta‘ala and are created from light. The angels are invisible to us, and they are neither male nor female. They are free from all human needs such as eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.[1] 2. Allah Ta‘ala has given them various duties to perform. …

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  • 28 September

    The Way to Acquire Barakah through All Ibaadaat

    Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned: Engaging in zikr (the remembrance of Allah Ta‘ala) is a means of one acquiring great barakah (blessings of Allah Ta‘ala in his life). However, the complete effect of this zikr will only be seen when one refrains from all sins and …

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  • 28 September

    Earning the Special Dua of the Angels

    عن عامر بن ربيعة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال: ما من مسلم يصلي علي إلا صلت عليه الملائكة ما صلى علي فليقلَّ العبد من ذلك أو ليكثر (سنن ابن ماجة، الرقم: ٩٠٧، وإسناده ضعيف كما في مصباح الزجاجة ١/١١٢) Hazrat Aamir bin Rabee’ah (radhiyallahu …

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  • 24 September

    Having a Broad Chest

    Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned: We should learn the masnoon du‘aa: اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي ذَنْبِي وَوَسِّعْ لِي خُلُقِي وَطَيِّبْ لِي كَسْبِى وَقَنِّعْنِى بِمَا رَزَقْتَنِي وَلَا تُذْهِبْ طَلَبِي إلَى شَيْءٍ صَرَفْتَهُ عنِّي O Allah, forgive my sins, expand (and broaden) my chest, bless me with pure income, grant me …

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  • 23 September

    Sunnats and Aadaab of Relieving Oneself (Shaafi’ee) – Part 5

    1. Do not look at the sky, the private part or the stool and urine while relieving yourself.[1] 2. Do not spend more time in the toilet than is necessary. If the toilet is shared between a few people or is a public toilet, then spending more time than necessary …

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