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October, 2011

  • 1 October

    Selling the skin of the Qurbaani animal

    Q: Is it permissible to sell the skin of the Qurbaani animal and give the money in sadaqah? A: It is permissible. ويتصدق بجلدها أو يعمل منه نحو غربال وجراب و لا بأس بان يشترى به ما ينتفع بعينه مع بقائه استحسانا و ذلك مثل ما ذكرنا و لا يشترى …

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September, 2011

  • 30 September

    The skin of the Qurbaani animal

    Q: What should be done with the skin of the Qurbaani animal? A: One can use the skin of the Qurbaani animal for one’s personal needs. Similarly, gifting it or giving it in charity to the poor is permissible. (ويتصدق بجلدها) لأنه جزء منها (أو يعمل منه آلة تستعمل في …

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  • 30 September

    Distributing the meat of the Qurbaani animal

    Q: What should be done with the Qurbaani meat? A: The Qurbaani meat can be consumed by oneself, family, friends, etc. It is preferable to give one third of the meat in charity. ويستحب أن يأكل من أضحيته و يطعم منها غيره و الأفضل أن يتصدق بالثلث و يتخذ الثلث …

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  • 30 September

    Poor person’s Qurbaani animal becoming invalid for Qurbaani

    Q: A poor person (upon whom Qurbaani was not waajib) purchased an animal free from any defect, but later on, its leg broke or some defect occurred which rendered it invalid for Qurbaani. Can the poor person slaughter such an animal for Qurbaani? A: The poor person can slaughter such …

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  • 30 September

    A defect coming into the animal

    Q: An animal which was free from any defect was purchased for waajib Qurbaani. Later on, before the days of Qurbaani, it’s leg broke or some defect occurred which rendered it invalid for Qurbaani. Can such an animal be slaughtered for Qurbaani? A: Such an animal cannot be slaughtered for …

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