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October, 2011

  • 11 October

    Performing waajib qurbaani on behalf of another person without his consent

    Q: Will the waajib qurbaani be valid if it is carried out on behalf of another person without his consent? A: The waajib qurbaani will not be valid. In order for the waajib qurbaani to be valid, it is necessary for one to acquire the consent of the person for …

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  • 11 October

    Meat of an animal slaughtered on behalf of a deceased

    Q: If a person slaughters an animal on behalf of a deceased, then what should be done with the meat? A: If the deceased made a bequest that the qurbaani should be done on his behalf (from one third of the estate), then all the meat has to be given …

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  • 11 October

    Compensation for consuming the meat of an animal slaughtered in fulfilment of a vow or a bequest

    Q: What should be done if the meat of an animal slaughtered in fulfilment of a vow or a bequest was consumed? A: The value of the consumed meat must be given in charity. وإن وجبت به فلايأكل منها شيئا ولايطعم غنيا سواء كان الناذر غنيا أو فقيرا ولو أكل …

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  • 4 October

    Consuming the Meat of an Animal Slaughtered For a Vow or Bequest

    Q: Can the meat of an animal which was slaughtered in fulfilment of a vow or a bequest be consumed? A: The meat has to be given in charity and cannot be consumed. ولا يأكل الناذر منها فإن أكل تصدق بقيمة ما أكل (الدر المختار 6/321) وإن وجبت به فلايأكل …

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  • 4 October

    Vowing to Perform Qurbaani

    Q: What is the shar’i ruling regarding a person who took a vow that if a certain work is accomplished, he will perform Qurbaani. Will there be any difference in the ruling between a rich or poor person? A: Qurbaani will become waajib upon him if the work is accomplished …

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