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October, 2011

  • 11 October

    Making a verbal intention when slaughtering the Qurbaani animal

    Q: Is it necessary to make a verbal intention or to recite any dua at the time of slaughtering? A: It is not waajib to make a verbal intention or to recite any dua at the time of slaughtering. However, it is waajib to recite the tasmiyah at the time …

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  • 11 October

    Being present at the time when one’s qurbaani animal is being slaughtered

    Q: In the case where a person appoints someone else to slaughter his qurbaani animal on his behalf, will it be preferable for him to be present and witness his animal being slaughtered? A: It is better for one to be present and witness his qurbaani animal being slaughtered. However, …

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  • 11 October

    Slaughtering one’s own Qurbaani animal

    Q: Is it better for one to slaughter the Qurbaani animal himself or to appoint someone else to slaughter it on his behalf? A: It is best for the one performing qurbaani to slaughter the Qurbaani animal himself if he is able to. If he is unable to do so, …

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  • 11 October

    The law regarding the young that comes out after slaughtering a pregnant animal

    Q: What should be done with the young that comes out of the animal after being slaughtered? A: The young should also be slaughtered. If one did not slaughter it during the days of qurbaani then he should give it alive in charity. أضحية خرج من بطنها ولد حي قال …

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  • 11 October

    Slaughtering a pregnant animal for Qurb​aani

    Q: Is it permissible to slaughter a pregnant animal for qurbaani? A: It is permissible to slaughter a pregnant animal for qurbaani. However, if the animal is close to giving birth, then it is makrooh to slaughter such an animal for qurbaani. شاة أو بقرة أشرفت على الولادة قالوا يكره …

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