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October, 2012

  • 4 October

    Husband Dividing his time if Working at night

    Q: How will the husband divide his time equally amongst his wives if he works during the night and is free during the day? A: For such a person the basis of equality will be the day. He will have to spend an equal amount of days by each wife. …

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  • 4 October

    Method of equal distribution of time between wives

    Q: Can you explain the method of equal distribution of time between wives and does equality of time extend to the day as well or is it restricted to the night? A: It is compulsory upon the husband to share his nights equally between his wives. The method of equal …

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  • 4 October

    Equality between a young and old wife

    Q: If a person has two wives, one young and one old, is equality waajib between both? A: Equality is waajib between both. ( والبكر والثيب والجديدة والقديمة والمسلمة والكتابية سواء ) لإطلاق الآية. (الدر المختار 3/206) Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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  • 4 October

    Aspects required to exercise equality in between wives

    Q: In which aspects does the husband have to exercise equality amongst his wives? A: Equality between the wives is necessary in the following aspects: Wealth and provisions Clothing Shelter The night turns Showing affection and socializing فإن كان له أكثر من امرأة فعليه العدل بينهن في حقوقهن من القسم …

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  • 4 October

    Exercising equality between wives

    Q: In Islam, is it compulsory upon a person to exercise equality between his wives? A: Yes, it is compulsory. ومنها وجوب العدل بين النساء في حقوقهن. (بدائع الصنائع 2/332) ( يجب ) وظاهر الآية أنه فرض  نهر ( أن يعدل ) أي أن لا يجوز ( فيه ) أي في …

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