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November, 2015

  • 2 November

    Whose janaazah is this?

    Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned: We should, at all times, remember that our life is coming to an end. We have also heard our elders say that a person should take stock of his life when going to sleep. He should ponder and reflect over the …

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October, 2015

  • 31 October

    A Cure for Hard-heartedness

    Once a woman came to Hadhrat Aishah (Radhiyallahu Anha) and complained to her of her own hard-heartedness, whereupon Hadhrat Aishah (Radhiyallahu Anha) advised her to soften her heart through remembering death in abundance. The woman did as she was advised and after a few days she returned and expressed her …

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  • 30 October

    Etiquettes of the Night

    عن جابر رضي الله عنه، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال:  إذا استجنح الليل، أو قال: جنح الليل، فكفوا صبيانكم  فإن الشياطين تنتشر حينئذ، فإذا ذهب ساعة من العشاء فخلوهم، وأغلق بابك واذكر اسم الله، وأطفئ مصباحك واذكر اسم الله، وأوك سقاءك واذكر اسم الله، وخمر إناءك واذكر اسم …

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  • 28 October

    Reasons for our Dawat not being Effective – Part 2

    Another reason for the da’wat not being effective is that we are not exhausting our resources and efforts in correcting ourselves firstly, and those under our control. If the food at home is not right then we will make such a big noise and commotion, but do we apply the …

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  • 27 October

    Sunnats and Aadaab of Duaa – Part 3

    1. After completing your dua, say aameen.

    bu Musabbih Al-Maqraaiy (rahimahullah) relates: On one occasion, we were seated by Abu Zuhair An-Numairi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) who was from among the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum). He was most eloquent in speech. When anyone among us used to engage in dua, he would say, “Seal the dua with aameen, for aameen is like a stamp on the paper.”

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