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November, 2012

  • 10 November

    The Freeing of Hadhrat Bilaal (Radhiallahu Anhu)

    Hadhrat Bilaal (Radhiallahu Anhu) was an Abyssinian slave who entered into the fold of Islam in the early days of Islam. He belonged to a woman of the Banu Jumah tribe. Umayyah bin Khalaf , the worst enemy of Islam, was her agent. He would make him lie down on …

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  • 10 November

    Taking a second wife without the first wife’s approval

    Q: Is it permissible for a man to take a second wife without his first wife’s approval? A: It is permissible for the husband to marry a second wife without the approval of the first wife. However, to avoid complications, it is better that he informs his first wife at the …

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  • 10 November

    Seeking permission from the girl before getting her married

    Q: Is it necessary for the wali (father or any other guardian in the absence of the father) of a baaligh girl to seek her permission before getting her married? A: It is necessary for them to first seek her permission before getting her married. و اما شروطه…ومنها رضا المرأة إذا …

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  • 10 November

    Registering the nikaah according to the C.O.P contract

    Q: Is it permissible to register the Nikah according to the C.O.P contract (community of property contract)? A: The law of Shariah is that each spouse is the sole owner of his or her property. The C.O.P (community of property) contract contravenes the law of Shariah (i.e. the law of …

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  • 10 November

    Taking one’s wife back after issuing an irrevocable talaaq

    Q: If the husband issued one or two talaaq-e-baain (irrevocable talaaqs), will it permissible for him to take his wife back whilst she is in iddat? A: If the husband issued one or two talaaq-e-baain (irrevocable talaaqs) then since the Nikah has terminated, it is impermissible for him to revoke the …

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