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May, 2012

April, 2012

  • 30 April

    Performing Several Janaazahs at One Time

    If there are several Janaazah’s present at one time, performing a separate Janaazah Salaah on each deceased is better. However, if one Janaazah Salaah was performed on all the deceased, it will be permissible.[1] The dua of the children should be read after the dua of the adults. Upon which …

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  • 30 April

    Performing Janaazah Salaah whilst Seated in a Vehicle

    It is impermissible to perform the Janaazah Salaah whilst seated on the ground or in a vehicle without a valid shar’ee excuse.[1]

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  • 30 April

    Delaying the Janaazah Salaah

    It is makrooh to delay the Janaazah Salaah in the anticipation of a larger crowd. Similarly, if a person passed away on a Friday, then it is makrooh to delay the janaazah till after the Jumuah Salaah in anticipation of a larger crowd.[1] However, if due to being involved in …

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  • 30 April

    Performing Janaazah Salaah in a Musjid

    It is compulsory to perform the Janaazah Salaah out of the musjid. Performing the Janaazah Salaah in the musjid is impermissible (makrooh-e-tahrimi). عن أبى هريرة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من صلى على جنازة فى المسجد فلا شىء له (سنن أبي داود، الرقم: ٣١٨٤) Hadhrat Abu Hurairah …

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