Recent Posts

November, 2012

  • 10 November

    Taking one’s wife back whilst she is in iddat

    Q: Is it permissible for the husband to take his wife back whilst she is in iddat? A: If the husband issued one or two talaaq-e-raj’i (revocable talaaqs) it will be permissible for him to revoke the talaaq during the iddat period. Since the Nikaah has not terminated there is …

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  • 7 November

    Preferring Others to Oneself

      A Sahabi once came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and complained of hunger and distress.  At that time Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had nothing with him to present to the guest. Subsequently, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) sent a message to his blessed wives, enquiring from them as to whether …

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  • 6 November

    Mahr of a woman whose husband divorced her immediately after the Nikaah

    Q: What amount of mahr will a woman be entitled to if her husband divorced her immediately after the Nikaah (before spending any time with her in privacy)? A: She will be entitled to receive half the stipulated mahr. ( و ) يجب نصفه بطلاق قبل وطء أو خلوة )… …

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  • 6 November

    Iddat for a woman whose husband divorced her before spending time with her in seclusion

    Q: What is the Shar’i ruling if the husband divorced his wife immediately after the Nikaah before spending any time with her in privacy? A: If the husband divorced his wife before spending time with her in seclusion then iddat will not be waajib. ( وسبب وجوبها ) عقد ( …

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  • 6 November

    Mahr of a woman whose husband passed away before consummating the Nikaah

    Q: How much mahr will a woman receive whose husband passed away before consummating the Nikaah? A: She will receive her full stipulated mahr. ( وسبب وجوبها ) عقد ( النكاح المتأكد بالتسليم وما جرى مجراه ) من موت أو خلوة أي صحيحة (الدر المختار/باب العدة  3/504) ويتأكد ( عند …

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