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February, 2012

  • 22 February


    1. In jalsah, place your palms on your thighs with your fingertips at the edge of your knees.[1] 2. Keep your fingers in their natural position (neither joined together nor far apart).[1] 3. Fix the gaze on the area between the lower chest and lap whilst in jalsah.[2] 4. Keep …

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  • 21 February


    1. Say the takbeer, and without raising your hands, proceed into sajdah.[1] 2. Ensure that your back is straight when going down into sajdah.[2] 3. Keep the hands on the knees while proceeding into sajdah.[3] 4. First place the knees on the ground, then the palms, then the nose and …

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  • 20 February

    Ruku and Qaumah

    1. When you have completed the recitation of Surah Faatihah and the qiraat, repeat the takbeer, and without raising your hands, go into ruku.[1] Note: The takbeeraat-e-intiqaaliyyah (takbeer which is recited when moving from one posture to another) should be commenced as soon as one begins moving to the next …

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  • 20 February


    1. When intending to perform salaah, stand and face the qiblah.[1] 2. Thereafter, make the intention of the salaah that you are performing and raise your hands until your thumbs are in line with the earlobes.[2] 3. When standing for salaah, stand with utmost respect. Face both feet towards the …

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January, 2012

  • 30 January

    The Faraa’idh and Sunan of Janaazah Salaah

    There are Two Faraa’idh in Janaazah Salaah: To recite all the four Takbeers. To stand and perform the Janaazah Salaah if one is able.[1]   There are Three Sunnats in Janaazah Salaah: To read the Thana i.e. to praise Allah Ta’ala. To send salutations upon Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). To …

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