
September, 2011

  • 20 September

    Using soap or shampoo in ihraam

    Q: Is it permissible to use soap or shampoo in Ihraam? A: It is impermissible for one in the state of ihraam to use shampoo or perfumed or scented soap. If a person used shampoo or perfumed or scented soap once or twice then sadaqah becomes waajib on him. If …

  • 20 September

    Touching one’s wife with lust in the state of ihraam

    Q: A person touched his wife in the state of ihraam with lust. What is the condition of his Hajj? A: One damm becomes waajib upon him. و لو جامع فيما دون السبيلين أو باشر أو عانق أو قبل أو لمس بشهوة إمرأة أو أمردا أنزل أو لم ينزل فعليه …

  • 20 September

    Indulging in sexual relations in the state of ihraam

    Q: A person in the state of ihraam indulged in sexual relations. What is the condition of his Hajj? Can you please explain in detail the laws pertaining to a Mufrid, Mutamatti’ and a Qaarin in this situation? A: If a person indulged in sexual relations before wuqoof in Arafah …

  • 20 September

    Discussing issues relating to sexual intercourse with one’s wife in Ihraam

    Q: Is it permissible for one in the state of ihraam to discuss issues relating to sexual intercourse with his wife? A: It is impermissible for one in the state of ihraam to discuss issues relating to sexual intercourse with one’s wife. قال الله تعالى: “الحج أشهر معلومات فمن فرض …

  • 20 September

    Discharging the damm for covering the face in ihraam

    Q: If a woman in the state of ihraam covers her face, will damm become waajib on her? A: In the state of Ihraam if quarter or more of the face is covered for an entire day or night (i.e. 12 hours) or more, then one damm becomes waajib. If …

  • 20 September

    Donning the cap-purdah in the state of ihraam

    Q: What is the Shar’ee ruling with regards to a woman who covers her face in the state of ihraam? A: It is impermissible for a woman to cover her face in the state of Ihraam in such a manner that the cloth (purdah) touches her face. However, she should …

  • 20 September

    Covering one’s feet in ihraam

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling if a man covers his feet during ihraam? A: If a man during ihraam covers his entire feet for a complete day or a night (i.e. 12 hours) then one damm becomes waajib. If he covered his feet for less than one day or …

  • 20 September

    The footwear of ihraam

    Q: What type of sandal or footwear should a person wear in the state of ihraam? A: In the state of Ihraam, it is necessary that the upper portion of the foot be exposed (i.e. from the place where the shoe-lace is normally tied up to the ankle) as well …

  • 20 September

    Omitting the Tawaaf-e-Widaa due to Illness

    Q: If a person due to illness omitted the Tawaaf-e-Widaa, will damm become waajib upon him? A: If a person due to illness omitted the Tawaaf-e-Widaa, damm will not become waajib upon him. قوله ( ولا إحصار بعد ما وقف بعرفة ) فلو وقف بعرفة ثم عرض له مانع لا …

  • 20 September

    Performing Tawaaf-e-Widaa in the State of Haidh or Nifaas

    Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding a woman who performed Tawaaf-e-Widaa in the state of haidh or nifaas? A: One damm becomes waajib upon her. However, if she repeats the Tawaaf-e-Widaa when she becomes pure then the damm will fall away. ( أو طاف للقدوم ) لوجوبه بالشروع ( …

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