The Primary Purpose of Mujaahadah

Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi (rahimahullah) once mentioned the following:

Among the pious predecessors, there were Mashaayikh who would make their mureeds undergo great mujaahadah and riyaadhaat (spiritual exercises to oppose the nafs). On reading about such types of mujaahadah and riyaadhaat in the kitaabs of Tasawwuf, one will marvel and be astonished. However, people’s bodily strength at that time was good, and their life span was longer (compared to the condition of people today). Nowadays, people do not possess such bodily strength nor live so long.

The outcome that was achieved through carrying out great mujaahadaat at that time (i.e. to suppress one’s nafs and desires), it is possible for one to achieve such an outcome today without undergoing such great mujaahadaat.

However, on hearing this, a person should not have this misconception that there is no longer any need for mujaahadah. Rather, there still is a need for mujahaadah, but the extent of the mujaahadah will be to the extent of one’s bodily strength and capacity (to suppress the nafs).

The main mujaahadah is for one to humble and submit himself before a Sheikh-e-Kaamil and place his confidence upon him. Moulana Roomi (rahimahullah) says:

قال را بگذار مرد حال شو  ___پيش مرد کاملے پامال شو

Leave out mere speaking about good, but make it part of your very nature

And submit yourself completely before a Sheikh-e-Kaamil

Moulana Roomi (rahimahullah) also says:

صحت ايں حس بجوئید از طبيب  ___صحت آں حس بجوئيد از حبيب

صحت ايں حس زمعموري تن  ___صحت آں حس زتخريب بدن

Acquire physical health by referring to the doctor, and acquire spiritual health through referring to the beloved (i.e. the Sheikh).

The health of the body lies in developing the body, and the health of the soul lies in subjecting the body to mujaahadah.

Understand this through the example of the wall of a fortress which has a treasure buried beneath it. If one does not demolish the wall, one will remain deprived of the treasure. On the contrary, if one demolishes the wall, then one will acquire so much of treasure that one will be able to rebuild the demolished wall, and one will also possess sufficient wealth that will last him until the end of his life.

In the very same way, one needs to subject his body to mujaahadah (which is prescribed by the Sheikh), and after a period of time of subjecting his body to mujaahadah, he will acquire such a special position of life and connection to Allah Ta‘ala which is as described by the poet in the following couplets:

خودکہ يابدايں چنيں بازار را ___ کہ بيک گل مے خري گلزار را

Who can acquire such a market where in exchange of one flower, a person acquires the entire garden?

(Malfoozaat Hakeemul Ummat 1/135-136)


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