Q: Is it permissible for a man to take a second wife without his first wife’s approval? A: It is permissible for the husband to marry a second wife without the approval of the first wife. However, to avoid complications, it is better that he informs his first wife at the …
November, 2012
10 November
Seeking permission from the girl before getting her married
Q: Is it necessary for the wali (father or any other guardian in the absence of the father) of a baaligh girl to seek her permission before getting her married? A: It is necessary for them to first seek her permission before getting her married. و اما شروطه…ومنها رضا المرأة إذا …
10 November
Registering the nikaah according to the C.O.P contract
Q: Is it permissible to register the Nikah according to the C.O.P contract (community of property contract)? A: The law of Shariah is that each spouse is the sole owner of his or her property. The C.O.P (community of property) contract contravenes the law of Shariah (i.e. the law of …
6 November
Number of Witnesses for a nikaah to be valid
Q: How many witnesses are needed for the nikaah to be valid? A: It is a condition that two baaligh, sane Muslim males or one baaligh Muslim male and two baaligh Muslim females be present at the time of the Nikah. وأما شروطه… ومنها الشهادة قال عامة العلماء إنها شرط …
6 November
Shar’i requirements for the validity of Nikaah
Q: What are the Shar’i requirements for the validity of Nikaah? A: It is a condition for the Nikaah to be valid that the proposal and acceptance take place between the bride and bridegroom or their representatives in the presence of two Muslim baaligh male witnesses or one Muslim baaligh …