Sunnats and Aadaab of the Host – 3

3. Generosity and feeding the creation was a salient quality and attribute of all the previous Ambiyaa. It is reported in the Hadith that the first Nabi to host a guest was Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam). In many places in the Quraan Majeed, Allah Ta’ala praises Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) and Allah Ta’ala also informs us of his great quality of hospitality and feeding the guests.

Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) would not like to eat alone, without a guest sharing his meal with him. At times, he would walk great distances to search for a guest to join him for meals. (Ihyaa uloomid Deen 2/12)

Being Honoured with the Title “Khaleelullah”

It was the blessed habit of Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) that he would always bring people home as his guests to share his meals with him. On one occasion, Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) went out, looking for someone to bring home as his guest. However, he was unable to find anyone to share his meal with him, and thus returned home.

On arriving at his home, he found that a man had entered in his absence and was standing inside. Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) asked him, “O servant of Allah! Why have you entered my home without permission?” The man replied, “I was granted permission to enter by the One who is the true owner of your home (i.e. I was given permission by Allah Ta’ala).”

Hearing this, Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) asked the man, “Who are you?” He responded, “I am the Angel of Death. My Rabb has sent me to one of His servants to give him the glad tidings that Allah Ta’ala has chosen him to be His ‘Khaleel’ (special friend).”

Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) asked, “Who is this special person? By Allah, if you inform me of his identity, I will ensure that I go to him – even if he lives in the most distant of lands. I will then remain with him until death separates us.” The Angel of Death then said, “You are that special servant.”

Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) was overcome by joy and asked, “Am I really that special person?” When the Angel confirmed that he was, Hazrat Nabi Ebrahim (alayhis salaam) enquired, “Why did Allah Ta’ala make me His Khaleel?” The Angel answered, “The reason is that you always give to people (feed the creation and host them as guests), and you never ask people for anything.” (Tafseer ibnu Katheer 2/375)

The Great Hospitality of Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam)

After Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) fled from Egypt, on receiving the news that Fir‘aun planned to execute him, he came to the land of Madyan which was the area of Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam). He had travelled by foot with no provisions for the journey. On arriving in Madyan, Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) came to a well where he observed many shepherds drawing water and giving it to their flocks to drink.

However, Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) also noticed two young women standing apart from the crowd. These young women were the respected daughters of Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam). They had a flock of animals with them which they were restraining and preventing from going forward and mixing with the other animals.

On seeing the two young women in this condition, Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) asked them, “What is your matter (i.e. why are you not allowing your flock to drink as the others are doing)?” The two women explained that they were waiting for the shepherds to finish giving water to their animals and leave the well so that they could go forward and give water to their own animals. They further explained the reason for them carrying out this task of bringing the animals to the well by saying, “And our father is an extremely old man.”

Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) then assisted the two women by drawing water from the well and giving it to their animals to drink.

Thereafter, when the two young women returned home, their father was surprised as they had returned earlier than normal. Hence, he asked them the reason for their early return, to which they mentioned the man who had assisted them. Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam) then sent one of his daughters to invite Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) to his home so that he could repay him for the kindness he had shown them.

When Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) arrived at the home of Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam), supper had just been prepared at that time. Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam) thus told Hazrat Moosa (alayhis salaam) to partake of the food. However, Hazrat Moosa (alayhis salaam) refused the offer saying, “I seek refuge in Allah Ta’ala.”

Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam) enquired, “Why will you not eat? Are you not hungry?” Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) replied, “Certainly (I am hungry), however I fear that this will be a compensation for drawing water for them (i.e. the two girls), and I come from such a household that does not sell any action of the Hereafter (even) in exchange of the entire world full of gold.”

Hazrat Nabi Shuaib (alayhis salaam) responded saying, “By the qasm of Allah, this is not the reason (i.e. I am not inviting and feeding you to repay you). Rather, showing hospitality to guests and feeding others has always been my habit and the habit of my forefathers.” Hazrat Nabi Moosa (alayhis salaam) thus accepted the invitation and partook of the meal.

Ad Durrul Manthoor 6/407, Ma‘aariful Quraan 6/626


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Sunnats and Aadaab of the Host – 5

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