Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned the following advice to a person who was retrogressing in his spiritual reformation:
It is the practice of the Mashaaikh that they do not grant ijaazat (khilaafat) to their mureeds very quickly, even after the mureed acquires nisbat (a special connection with Allah Ta’ala). Rather, they wait for some while until they are pleased that the nisbat with Allah Ta‘ala in the mureed is well established.
After the nisbat is firmly enrooted in the mureed (and his life conforms to shariah in all branches of deen and dunya, then the outcome will be seen that), those mureeds whom Allah Ta’ala wishes to bless with spiritual progress and take the work of deen from them, their capability and capacity to do the work of deen will go on increasing.
However, those mureeds whom Allah Ta’ala does not wish to take the work of deen from them (on account of them not remaining firm on deen, but moving towards worldly temptations thereby causing the nisbat with Allah Ta‘ala to become weak), then their condition is such that their spiritual progress will be ruined, despite them acquiring nisbat prior to this.
What you have mentioned to me that you feel that the various conditions you are experiencing is on account of you acquiring nisbat with Allah Ta‘ala, this is incorrect. In reality, these spiritual conditions and feelings which a mureed experiences generally are experienced by a person who has begun traversing the path of sulook, while nisbat is something that is acquired at the end of this spiritual journey.
It is not necessary that one has to have nisbat for one to experience certain spiritual conditions and feelings. Instead, at times, these spiritual conditions and feelings occur through one engaging in abundant zikr, then one begins to experience certain spiritual conditions and feelings.
Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) then mentioned: This unworthy servant (referring to himself in humility) had great hope of you progressing and becoming the successor of your pious elders and buzrugaane deen on account of them turning their gaze of attention towards you. However, merely having hope of someone progressing is insufficient. You will also have to make some effort (in order for the outcome to be achieved).
On one occasion, Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) addressed one Sahaabi and mentioned, “Ask me for whatever you desire (and I will make dua to Allah Ta‘ala to grant it to you)!” He replied, “I desire your companionship in Jannah.” Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) then responded saying, “(Together with me making dua), you also assist me through performing abundant sujood (i.e. by engaging in salaah, humbling yourself before Allah Ta‘ala and remaining obedient to Him in all works of deen and dunya).”
The main problem in you is the anger and pride which you need to remove from you. These traits are such that they take a long while for a person to rid himself from them. May Allah Ta’ala protect me and also protect you from these evil traits. Our pious buzrugaane deen have written that the last spiritual malady to leave a person treading the path of sulook is hubb-e-jaah (i.e. pride and the love for fame and recognition). Generally, we refer to ourselves with titles of “this humble one”, “this weak one”, “this unworthy one”, but instead of confining these words to our tongues, we should also bring these qualities within our hearts (and really think to ourselves that we are nothing).
(Mahabbat Naame – Hazrat Sheikhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) 1/44)