
July, 2011

  • 2 July

    Ejaculating due to Fantasizing or Looking at Pornography whilst Fasting

    Q: If a person whilst fasting ejaculates due to fantasizing or looking at pornography will his fast be nullified? A: Whilst fasting just as it is impermissible to indulge in sexual activities similarly it is impermissible to fantasize about sexual activities. As far as looking at pornography is concerned it …

  • 2 July

    Taking an Injection while Fasting

    Q: Is it permissible for a person to take an injection while fasting and will the fast be nullified? A: It is permissible for a person to take an injection while fasting. The injection does not nullify the fast. والمفطر إنما هو الداخل من المنافذ (رد المحتار على در المختار …

  • 2 July

    Taking Insulin whilst Fasting

    Q: Is it permissible for a diabetic to take an insulin injection whilst fasting and will it nullify the fast? A: Taking an insulin injection whilst fasting is permissible. The insulin does not nullify the fast. والمفطر إنما هو الداخل من المنافذ (رد المحتار على در المختار ج2 ص395) وما …

June, 2011

  • 30 June

    Topi in the light of the Sunnah

    Q: I had always been taught that the topi is the crown of a believer and part of the Sunnat attire. However, I was recently told by a close friend that the topi is not part of the Sunnat attire and has no basis in deen. It was worn in …

  • 15 June

    Moulana Ibraheem Siyalkoti’s ill-opinion of Imaam Abu-Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alayh)

    Initially Moulana Ibraheem Siyalkoti (who was formerly an Ahle Hadith) had an ill-opinion of Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alayh). Thereafter he began to have a lot of respect for Imaam Saheb. Moulana Ibrahim Siyalkoti writes about himself in his book Tareekhe Ahle Hadith: “When looking for some mas’alah I went through the …

  • 9 June

    The History of Salafiyyat

    It is the Islaamic duty of every individual to search for the true Deen. During this search one will come across different sects all inviting him under the banner of Islaam to adopt their way. However, the instruction of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is very clear and that is to hold …

  • 1 June

    The Tenth Problem that will Arise by Referring Directly to the Qur’an and Hadith

    The tenth problem is that not being committed to one Mazhab is a very effective formula for the destruction of deen. This conclusion has been reached after a deep analysis and thorough examination of the new ‘Mazhab’ commonly known as Salafiyyat. Salafiyyat is the latest trend in the world which …

May, 2011

  • 21 May

    The Ninth Problem that will Arise by Referring Directly to the Qur’an and Hadith

    The ninth problem is that since there exists no fifth mazhab in the world at present, those who wish to adopt a new mazhab (by directly referring to the Quran and Hadith), will have to do either one of two things in order to reach the correct conclusion. Either they …

  • 20 May

    About us

    Bismihi Ta’ala Allah Ta’ala declares in the Glorious  Qur’an:   الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا This day I have perfected for you your Deen, and I have completed my favour upon you and I am pleased with Islam as your religion. (Surah Maaidah 5/4) …

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