
July, 2011

  • 2 July

    Breaking a Fast on the Advice of a Doctor

    Q: A person while fasting in the month of Ramadhaan had fallen ill. The doctor advised him to break his fast. Is he sinful for doing so and will both qadha and kaffarah be waajib or only qadha? A: If one is unable to continue the fast, then it is permissible for …

  • 2 July

    Zakaat on Gold and Silver

    Q: How will zakaat be paid on gold and silver? Similarly will one take the workmanship in consideration when calculating one’s zakaat on gold and silver jewellery? A: If a person possesses that amount of gold or silver which equals the nisaab i.e. 87,479g of gold or 612,36g of silver, …

  • 2 July

    Nisaab amount of Gold and Silver

    Q: What is the nisaab amount of gold and silver? A: If a person possesses gold to the weight of 87,48g or silver to the weight of 612,36g, then zakaat will be fardh. نصاب الذهب عشرون مثقالا والفضة مئتا درهم كل عشرة دراهم وزن سبعة مثاقيل (الدر المختار 2/295) ليس …

  • 2 July

    Not Fasting during the Month of Ramadhaan without a Valid Excuse

    Q: What is the ruling regarding the person who does not fast during the month of Ramadhaan without a valid excuse and eats openly? A: Fasting in the month of Ramadhaan is a great obligation and a salient feature of Islam. To openly eat and drink during the month of …

  • 2 July

    Using Eye-drops, Ear-drops and Nose-drops while Fasting

    Q: Is it permissible to use eye-drops, ear-drops and nose-drops while fasting and will this nullify the fast? A: It is permissible to use eye-drops while fasting. The fast will not be nullified. However, using ear-drops and nose-drops while fasting is impermissible and will nullify the fast. (أو ادهن أو …

  • 2 July

    Wealth decreasing before the zakaat date

    Q: What is the mas’alah regarding a person whose wealth decreased before the zakaat date? E.g. Bakr possessed R1, 000, 000 throughout the year. Just before the end of his zakaatable year i.e. 1st of Ramadhaan, he suffered a loss of R900, 000 in his business. Will Bakr now have …

  • 2 July

    Water going down the Throat when Gargling or Rinsing the Nose whilst Fasting

    Q: If whilst fasting, water goes down the throat when gargling the mouth or rinsing the nose in Wudhu or Ghusl will the fast break? A: If one was aware that he was fasting at the time the water seeped down the throat or nostril the fast will break. If …

  • 2 July

    Receiving wealth before one’s zakaat date

    Q: What is the mas’alah regarding a person who received some wealth prior to the completion of the zakaatable year? E.g. Zaid’s zakaatable year ends on the 1st of Ramadhaan. Few days before the 1st of Ramadhaan, he received a lump sum of R1, 000, 000 in inheritance. Will Zaid …

  • 2 July

    Eating Intentionally after thinking one’s Fast has Broken

    Q: After eating forgetfully a fasting person intentionally ate assuming that his fast had already broken. Does the fast now become nullified? If so will Qadha as well as Kaffarah become Waajib or only Qadha? A: The fast will now become nullified. Only Qadha will be Waajib. (وإن أفطر خطأ) …

  • 2 July

    Working out one’s zakaat date

    Q: When will zakaat be obligatory and how should one work out one’s zakaat date? A: When a person acquires wealth (upon which zakaat is compulsory) which equals the nisaab and the wealth remains with him for an entire lunar year from the first day he acquires this wealth, zakaat will …

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