
November, 2012

  • 6 November

    Women that are declared haraam in Nikaah

    Q: Which women are declared haraam in Nikaah? A: It is impermissible for a person to marry his ascendants and descendants (i.e. his mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, as well as his daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter and so on). It is also impermissible for him to marry his …

  • 6 November

    Number of Witnesses for a nikaah to be valid

    Q: How many witnesses are needed for the nikaah to be valid? A: It is a condition that two baaligh, sane Muslim males or one baaligh Muslim male and two baaligh Muslim females be present at the time of the Nikah. وأما شروطه… ومنها الشهادة قال عامة العلماء إنها شرط …

  • 6 November

    Shar’i requirements for the validity of Nikaah

    Q: What are the Shar’i requirements for the validity of Nikaah? A: It is a condition for the Nikaah to be valid that the proposal and acceptance take place between the bride and bridegroom or their representatives in the presence of two Muslim baaligh male witnesses or one Muslim baaligh …

  • 6 November

    Delaying marriage on account of studying

    Q: Is it advisable for one who has the need to get married to delay on account of studying further? A: It is the Mubaarak teaching of Shari’ah that when a boy or girl reaches the age of marriage and they perceive the need to get married, then they should do …

  • 4 November

    Touching one’s daughter with lust

    Q: What is the Shar’i ruling regarding a person who touched his daughter with lust, will his nikaah with his wife (daughter’s mother) break? A: If a person touches his daughter’s body with sexual desire and lust without there being a veil or cloth in between, if his daughter is …

October, 2012

  • 8 October

    Marrying the mother of a woman one divorced before consummating the Nikaah

    Q: Is it permissible for a person to marry the mother of a woman he divorced before consummating the Nikaah? A: It is impermissible. حرمت عليكم أمهاتكم وبناتكم وأخواتكم … وأمهات نسآئكم وربائبكم اللاتى فى حجوركم من نسآئكم اللاتى دخلتم بهن فإن لم تكونوا دخلتم بهن فلا جناح عليكم” (سورة …

  • 8 October

    Marrying the daughter of a woman that one divorced before consummating the marriage

    Q: Is it permissible for a person to marry the daughter of a woman that he divorced before consummating the marriage? A: It is permissible. حرمت عليكم أمهاتكم وبناتكم وأخواتكم … وأمهات نسآئكم وربائبكم اللاتى فى حجوركم من نسآئكم اللاتى دخلتم بهن فإن لم تكونوا دخلتم بهن فلا جناح عليكم” …

  • 8 October

    Marrying one’s ex-wife’s mother

    Q: Is it permissible for one to marry his ex-wife’s mother? A: It is impermissible. حرمت عليكم أمهاتكم وبناتكم وأخواتكم … وأمهات نسآئكم وربائبكم اللاتى فى حجوركم من نسآئكم اللاتى دخلتم بهن فإن لم تكونوا دخلتم بهن فلا جناح عليكم” (سورة النساء الآية 23) و حرم المصاهرة ( بنت زوجته …

  • 8 October

    Marrying one’s ex-wife’s daughter (from a previous marriage)

    Q: Is it permissible for one to marry his ex-wife’s daughter (from a previous marriage)? A: It is impermissible. حرمت عليكم أمهاتكم وبناتكم وأخواتكم … وأمهات نسآئكم وربائبكم اللاتى فى حجوركم من نسآئكم اللاتى دخلتم بهن فإن لم تكونوا دخلتم بهن فلا جناح عليكم” (سورة النساء الآية 23) و حرم …

  • 8 October

    The position of Nikaah in Islam

    Q: What status does Nikaah hold in Islam? A: Nikaah is an emphasised Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Hence, if a person possesses the means to get married and is able to fulfil the obligations of Nikaah, he should get married. النكاح من سنتي (رواه ابن ماجه في سننه …

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