Delaying the Janaazah Salaah

It is makrooh to delay the Janaazah Salaah in the anticipation of a larger crowd. Similarly, if a person passed away on a Friday, then it is makrooh to delay the janaazah till after the Jumuah Salaah in anticipation of a larger crowd.[1] However, if due to being involved in the burial preparations and the burial, there is fear of missing the Jumuah Salaah, then it will be permissible to delay the Janaazah Salaah until after the Jumuah Salaah.

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) had commanded us to hasten in burying the deceased and not to delay in this regard.

عن علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال له يا علي ثلاث لا تؤخرها الصلاة إذا آنت والجنازة إذا حضرت والأيم إذا وجدت لها كفوا[2]

Hazrat Ali (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) once said to him, “O Ali! Do not delay in three things. Salaah when its time sets in, Janaazah Salaah when the bier is present and the nikaah of an unmarried girl when you find a compatible partner for her.”

عن الحصين بن وحوح أن طلحة بن البراء مرض فأتاه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعوده فقال إني لا أرى طلحة إلا قد حدث فيه الموت فآذنوني به وعجلوا فإنه لا ينبغي لجيفة مسلم أن تحبس بين ظهراني أهله[3]

Hazrat Husain bin Wahwah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates that Hazrat Talhah bin Baraa (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was once sick, when Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) came to visit him. On seeing him, Rasululah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “I feel that Talhah will pass away through this illness. Thus, inform me of his death if he has to pass away and hasten in his burial, as it is not appropriate for the body of a Muslim to remain in his family after his death.”

[1] والأفضل أن يعجل بتجهيزه كله من حين يموت ولو مشوا به بالخبب كره لأنه ازدراء بالميت وإضرار بالمتبعين وفي القنية ولو جهز الميت صبيحة يوم الجمعة يكره تأخير الصلاة ودفنه ليصلي عليه الجمع العظيم بعد صلاة الجمعة ولو خافوا فوت الجمعة بسبب دفنه يؤخر الدفن (البحر الرائق ٢/٢٠٦)

[2] سنن الترمذي، الرقم: ١٧١

[3] سنن أبي داود، الرقم: ٣١٥٩


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