- Using Masjid waqf items elswhere
- Using Masjid musallahs and mats in the Eid-gaa
- Experiencing a Wet dream in the Masjid
- Combing one’s hair in the Masjid
- Using Zakaat monies for the building and upkeep of the masjid
- Entering the masjid without wudhu
- Entering the masjid in the state of janaabah
- Reserving a place for oneself in the masjid
- Reserving a place in the Masjid by placing a tasbeeh, shawl etc.
- Entering the Masjid with shoes
- Delivering a lecture in the masjid whilst sitting on a chair
- Women coming to the Masjid for Salaah
- Eating the fruit of a tree growing in the masjid yard
- Eating from a fruit-bearing tree whose income was for the masjid
- Locking the masjid at night for security reasons
- From what age should children be brought to the masjid for salaah?
- Climbing onto the roof of the masjid
- Eating and Sleeping in the Masjid