Upon whom is Fasting compulsory
Eating and Drinking while Fasting
- Eating Forgetfully while Fasting
- Eating Intentionally after thinking one’s Fast has Broken
- Not Fasting during the Month of Ramadhaan without a Valid Excuse
- Woman in haidh eating in public during Ramadhaan
Fasting while Travelling
Factors that Break or Do not Break the Fast
- Ejaculating due to Fantasizing or Looking at Pornography whilst Fasting
- Masturbating whilst Fasting
- Smoking while fasting
- Inhaling the Smoke of Incense Sticks unintentionally whilst Fasting
- Water going down the Throat when Gargling or Rinsing the Nose whilst Fasting
- Using Eye-drops, Ear-drops and Nose-drops while Fasting
- Gums Bleeding whilst Fasting
- Nosebleed whilst Fasting
- Burning Lawbaan or any other Incense Sticks whilst Fasting
- Cooking on an open fire whilst Fasting
- Swallowing a food particle stuck between one’s teeth while fasting