The hearts of the Awliyaa (The true friends of Allah Ta’ala)

heart of goldThere was a person who used to harbor enmity towards Hazrat Nizaamuddeen Awliyaa (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) throughout his life. He always tried to cause harm to Hazrat and exhausted all his energies in bringing disrepute to him. When this person passed away, and the news of his death reached Hazrat Nizaamuddeen Awliyaa (Rahmatullahi Alaihi), Hazrat (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) immediately set out to the place where he was buried and stood at the head side of the grave and supplicated to Allah Ta’ala in the following words: “O Allah, whatever this person said, did or even thought off to cause harm to me then I have forgiven him, so O Allah, I beg You to forgive him. O Allah, I do not wish that on account of the harm he caused to me, You should punish him.”

Hazrat Nizaamuddeen (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) once said to the people: “Always be polite and gentle in your conduct. Persevere patiently the hardships and difficulties of life. Never think of taking revenge for the harm that was caused to you by the servants of Allah.” Thereafter Hazrat recited the following poetry:

“It is our duaa that whoever does not wish to befriend us then may Allah Ta’ala befriend him and whosoever causes harm or pain to us in any way then we forgive him and may Allah Ta’ala bless him throughout his life with ease and comfort.

After a few moments of silence, Hazrat recited these words:

“Whoever spreads thorns in our pathway due to enmity and hatred, may the thorns of his garden of flowers of life be removed (i.e. may he enjoy every moment of his life in happiness)”   (Jawaahir Paare)


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