Showing Compassion to the creation of Allah Ta’ala

Islam teaches us to be kind and compassionate to the creation of Allah Ta’ala. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said,

الخلق عيال الله فاحب الخلق إلى الله من احسن إلى عياله

The creation of Allah are the family of Allah Ta’ala (i.e. Just as a person loves his family, similarly Allah Ta’ala loves His creation.) and the most beloved from the creation in the sight of Allah Ta’ala are those who show kindness to His creation.

Our elders and pious predecessors displayed this quality of compassion for the creation throughout their lives. They understood that this was the cornerstone to earn success in this world and the next. They were constantly concerned about being a source of mercy for the creation and refrained from causing the slightest inconvenience to any creation to Allah Ta’ala. This attribute was so deeply entrenched within them, that let alone showing compassion towards their kith and kin, friends and associates, even those who showed enmity towards them were put to shame through the kind conduct they afforded them. Their compassion and kindness was not only confined to the human species, rather it transcended beyond all bounds until even the animal kingdom enjoyed their warmth and love. Hereunder, we will relate a few incidents from the books of history in order for us to gain a glimpse of the compassion displayed by our pious predecessors. Perhaps through these few incidents one will be able to try to imagine the level of compassion and love for the creation in the lives of the Ambiyaa and the Sahabaha (Ridwaanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajma’een). 


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