Tag Archives: Malfoozaat

April, 2014

  • 16 April

    Striving in the path of Allah Ta’ala

    The problem that many of us have is that we will only do something if we get the ideal. However this is incorrect. If we cannot get the ideal it does not mean that we should not acquire what is within our capability. What we can earn now, earn it. …

  • 14 April

    The sign of pride leaving a person

    Hazrat Sheikh Moulana Zakariyya (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) mentioned: Once a person wrote a letter to me asking, “What is the sign that pride no longer remains with a person?” I replied that if any person finds fault with you, then you are not overcome by anger. Instead you begin to examine …

  • 14 April

    How will one Determine Adab in Deen

    Hazrat Thaanwi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) was once asked regarding placing Deeni kitaabs in a bathroom and toilet that was built but not yet used. Hazrat (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) replied that, apparently this does not seem to be correct. Although the bathroom and toilet have thus far not been used at all, however …

  • 9 April

    Method of Reciting the Qur’an

    Allah Ta‘ala instructs that the Qur’aan should be recited with tarteel. With regards to tilaawat, there are two levels of recitation: (1) Preservation of what has been memorised. For this a haafiz is required to read at a swift pace to cover a good amount of recitation. Otherwise, by reciting …

  • 2 April

    Adopting the ways of the Kuffaar

    It appears in the hadeeth that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said that I absolve myself from the one who joins up with the kuffar. There are different explanations given to this Hadeeth, but the preferred explanation is that this refers to adopting their styles, customs and ways. Hence, when …

March, 2014

  • 26 March

    Referring to those who are Knowledgeable and Experienced in Deen

    When the haq (truth) is pronounced then those who are seeking the truth will see it and accept it, but those who do not wish to see the truth will refuse. What can you do if the bat cannot see the light of the sun? When Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) …

  • 24 March

    The pride of Abu Jahl

    Hazrat Thanwi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) mentioned that the pride of Abu Jahl was even worse than the pride of Fir’oun. At the time of his death, Fir’oun’s heart softened to some extent, even though his imaan was not accepted. On the other hand, Abu Jahl’s pride exceeded all limits, to such …

  • 24 March

    Do not feel complacent over any Action

    Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandelwhi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) mentioned: My beloved friends! Exercise extreme caution in regard to your actions. Do not become boastful over any action that you carry out (for everything you do is through the grace of Allah Ta’ala). Hazrat Abdullah ibn Masood (Radiyallahu Anhu) is reported …

  • 19 March

    The Manner of Correcting People

    There is a procedure in correcting a person. If we go against the procedure then it will only create fitnah and problems. Going against the procedure and adopting a hard approach is only for those who are divinely assisted, for if they adopt a harsh approach then through the aid …

  • 17 March

    Studying the Lives of the Pious Predecessors Leads one to the Sunnah

    Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandelwhi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) mentioned: Continuously study and examine the lives of our Akaabir (our pious predecessors and seniors). After studying the lives of Sahaabah I reached this conclusion that all the Sahaabah were superb. Though each Sahaabi possessed a unique “colour”, all were common in …

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