Caring Kareemah

Caring Kareemah

Ask our children:

  1. Who are the most important people in our lives?
  2. How should we treat our parents, grandparents and other family members who are old or sick and need our help?

Now tell them the story:

Today was a very exciting day. Kareemah’s nani was coming to stay! Kareemah was overjoyed and very happy, because her nani always spoiled her and cooked her favourite foods for her!

“Peep peep!” Kareemah’s father hooted as he drove into the driveway. Kareemah ran to the car, but as she opened the door, she was shocked to see that her nani was weak and sick! In fact, she was so weak and sick that she could not even walk! Kareemah’s father had to help her to sit in the wheelchair, and then he slowly pushed her into the home.

As they entered the home, Kareemah’s mother called her and said, “Kareemah! Nani has come to stay, and she is not feeling well. She is old and sick and needs us to look after her. I hope that you will help me!” Kareemah heard what her mother said, and all her excitement faded away. It looked like Nani’s visit wasn’t going to be so fun after all!

A little while later, Kareemah’s nani called her to the bathroom and said, “Kareemah my dear! I can hear the zuhr azaan! Please help me to make wudhu! Pour the water on my feet for me!” Kareemah made a funny face, because she didn’t want to do it, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she filled the jug with water, and as she began to pour – her nani shouted, “OOOW!” Kareemah had not been paying attention when she filled the jug and the water was too hot! She had burnt her poor nani’s feet!

“Sorry nani!” stammered Kareemah, and she ran off, hoping that she wouldn’t get into any trouble.

A few minutes later, it was lunch time, and Kareemah’s mother called her to the kitchen. As she entered, her mother handed her a tray with food and a glass of juice saying, “Kareemah! Please take this food to nani in her room while I get your father’s food ready.” Once again, Kareemah made a funny face, because she was lazy to carry the tray. But, she didn’t say anything and quietly took the tray to nani’s room.

Kareemah entered the room and placed the tray on the bed next to nani. Nani began to eat, but since she was feeling weak, her hand was shaking and – she knocked over the glass, spilling all the juice on Kareemah’s white dress and white shoes!

Kareemah was furious! Nani had spilled the juice all over her precious dress and precious shoes! Kareemah’s dress didn’t look beautiful anymore – it looked like a dirty dastarkhaan! Kareemah’s nani said, “Sorry Kareemah!” but she was so upset that she pulled up her face, turned and went away, leaving her nani to eat alone.

That afternoon, when Kareemah’s father came home from work, he called them to the lounge and said, “I know that we were planning on going for umrah next month in the holidays, but since nani is not well, I decided to cancel the umrah. It is more important for us to stay at home and look after nani.”

As Kareemah heard this news, she was sad and devastated. She had been looking forward to the umrah for so long, and now nani had come and spoiled everything!

A few moments later, Kareemah’s mother called her and said, “Kareemah! Since I am busy preparing supper, why don’t you sit with nani and give her some company?” However, this was now too much for Kareemah. She was tired of nani and said, “Mummy! Nani is spoiling everything! Why did she have to come and stay here? She should have gone to stay somewhere else! She spilled the juice on my nice, white dress and shoes, and because of her, papa cancelled our umrah!”

Kareemah’s mother looked at her and said, “I have been watching you, Kareemah, and I noticed that whenever I asked you to do something for nani, you pulled up your face before you listened, and even when you did it, you did not do it properly, and that is why you burnt poor nani’s toes! Why are you selfish and uncaring! Why is it that when nani was well and could make your favourite foods for you, then you loved her, but now when she is sick, then you don’t want to know her anymore? I am disappointed in you Kareemah!”

Kareemah had been feeling angry, but when she heard her mother’s words, she knew that she was right and she began to feel guilty. Her mother then said, “The most important people in a Muslim’s life, after Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), are his parents and grandparents. We must always make sure that our parents and grandparents are happy and comfortable. We must do our best to look after them and see to their needs.

“When we were small children, we made mess, but they cleaned it for us and still showed us love. When we became sick, they looked after us, and when we cried the whole night, they couldn’t sleep, but they still loved us and cared for us. Now, when they are old and sick, how can we ever forget them?

“We must realize that if we cancel our umrah and stay at home to look after nani, then she will be happy and comfortable. She will make dua for us, and we will also get a great reward like how we get great reward for going for umrah, and if Allah Ta‘ala wants,   He can give us an even greater reward. But, if we leave her and go for umrah, then because her heart will be sad, she will not make dua for us, and Allah Ta‘ala will not be happy with us and give us the reward that we are hoping for.

“Remember – we can buy another dress, and we can go for umrah another time – but Allah Ta‘ala has given us this one chance to earn our Jannah by making nani happy and comfortable and winning her duas. So, Kareemah, will you help me, with a happy heart, to look after nani?”

This time, Kareemah did not pull up her face but immediately said, “Jee mummy! Whatever you tell me, and whenever you tell me – I am ready to look after nani and make her comfortable! Our house is nani’s house, and I do not want her to stay anywhere else! We are so lucky that Allah Ta‘ala has sent her to stay with us!”

And, from that day on, Kareemah became ‘Caring Kareemah’. She tried her best to look after her nani, keep her comfortable, help her and give her company when she was lonely. Because of this, Allah Ta‘ala was happy with her, and her nani was also happy with her and always made special dua for her.


  1. The most important people in a Muslim’s life, after Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), are his parents and grandparents.
  2. When our parents, grandparents or other family members become old or sick and need our help then we must do our best to look after them. We must not be selfish and think only about ourselves. Rather, we must keep them happy and comfortable at all times.

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