
July, 2011

  • 20 July

    Zakaat on a house or car purchased for resale but in the person’s use

    Q: A person purchased a car or house with the intention of resale. Since he does not have any other mode of transport or residence, he is using the purchased car or house till he finds a buyer. Will zakaat be fardh upon the house and car? A: In principle …

  • 20 July

    Giving Zakaat to a Poor Child

    Q: Will zakaat be discharged by giving it to a poor child? A: If the child’s father is wealthy then the zakaat will not be discharged by giving it to him. However, if the child’s father is poor or the child is a poor orphan then through giving him the …

  • 20 July

    Building a Musjid with zakaat funds

    Q: Is it permissible to build Masaajid with zakaat funds? A: In order for one’s zakaat to be discharged, the basic requirement of tamleek is necessary i.e. to transfer ownership to someone who is eligible for zakaat. Since this requirement cannot be fulfilled in the case of the Musjid, zakaat …

  • 20 July

    Using zakaat funds to purchase food hampers

    Q: Is it permissible to use zakaat funds to purchase hampers and feed the poor? Similarly, is it permissible to provide iftaar for the poor in the month of Ramadhaan using zakaat funds? A: It is permissible to use zakaat funds to feed the poor provided the requirement of tamleek is found. …

  • 20 July

    Using zakaat funds to purchase an item for a school

    Q: Will zakaat be fulfilled if it is used to purchase an item for a school? A: The zakaat will not be fulfilled unless a poor student is made the owner of the item. ويشترط أن يكون الصرف (تمليكا) لا إباحة كما مر (لا) يصرف (إلى بناء) نحو (مسجد) قال …

  • 20 July

    Zakaat on the Payout Received from an Insurance Company for the Previous Years

    Q: Is zakaat compulsory on the payout received from an insurance company for the previous years? A: Zakaat is compulsory on the payout received from the insurance company for the previous years. However, it should be known that it is only permissible for one to take back the amount he …

  • 20 July

    Zakaat on a person who cancels his intention of resale

    Q: A person purchased an item for resale purposes but thereafter cancelled his intention. After some time, he decided to once again sell the item. Will zakaat be fardh on the item? A: Zakaat will not be fardh upon the item. However, zakaat will be fardh upon the money received after …

  • 20 July

    Zakaat on Life Insurance

    Q: Is zakaat fardh upon life insurance which matures after the death of the policy holder? A: Zakaat is not fardh upon wealth received from the insurance company after the demise of the policy holder. However, if the wealth was received during his lifetime, then he is obligated to pay …

  • 20 July

    Zakaat on the payout received from a provident fund, pension fund or retirement fund

    Q: Is zakaat waajib on the payout received from a provident-fund, pension-fund or retirement-fund? A: If the employee willfully invests his money in the fund or commanded the company to invest it on his behalf or consented to the investment, then in all these situations zakaat will be waajib on …

  • 20 July

    Zakaat given under the Pretext of a Gift or a Loan

    Q: Will the zakaat be fulfilled if it is given under the pretext of a gift or a loan? A: If the person gave the wealth to the poor person under the pretext of a gift or a loan, but had the intention of discharging his zakaat, the zakaat will …

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