Tag Archives: Masaail

November, 2012

  • 10 November

    Taking one’s wife back whilst she is in iddat

    Q: Is it permissible for the husband to take his wife back whilst she is in iddat? A: If the husband issued one or two talaaq-e-raj’i (revocable talaaqs) it will be permissible for him to revoke the talaaq during the iddat period. Since the Nikaah has not terminated there is …

  • 6 November

    Mahr of a woman whose husband divorced her immediately after the Nikaah

    Q: What amount of mahr will a woman be entitled to if her husband divorced her immediately after the Nikaah (before spending any time with her in privacy)? A: She will be entitled to receive half the stipulated mahr. ( و ) يجب نصفه بطلاق قبل وطء أو خلوة )… …

  • 6 November

    Iddat for a woman whose husband divorced her before spending time with her in seclusion

    Q: What is the Shar’i ruling if the husband divorced his wife immediately after the Nikaah before spending any time with her in privacy? A: If the husband divorced his wife before spending time with her in seclusion then iddat will not be waajib. ( وسبب وجوبها ) عقد ( …

  • 6 November

    Mahr of a woman whose husband passed away before consummating the Nikaah

    Q: How much mahr will a woman receive whose husband passed away before consummating the Nikaah? A: She will receive her full stipulated mahr. ( وسبب وجوبها ) عقد ( النكاح المتأكد بالتسليم وما جرى مجراه ) من موت أو خلوة أي صحيحة (الدر المختار/باب العدة  3/504) ويتأكد ( عند …

  • 6 November

    Iddat period for a woman whose husband passed away before consummating the Nikaah

    Q: What is the iddat period for a woman whose husband passed away before consummating the Nikaah? A: The iddat period of a woman whose husband passes away is four (lunar) months and ten days. This law will apply to the case where the husband passed away on the 1st …

  • 6 November

    Marrying one’s divorced wife’s sister while the divorced wife is in iddat

    Q: Is it permissible for one to marry his divorced wife’s sister while his divorced wife is in iddat? A: It is impermissible. ( و ) حرم ( الجمع ) بين المحارم ( نكاحا ) أي عقدا صحيحا ( وعدة ولو من طلاق بائن) (الدر المختار 3/38) Answered by: Mufti …

  • 6 November

    Marrying two sisters at the same time

    Q: Is it permissible for a person to marry two sisters at the same time? A: It is impermissible. ( و ) حرم ( الجمع ) بين المحارم ( نكاحا ) أي عقدا صحيحا ( وعدة ولو من طلاق بائن) (الدر المختار 3/38) Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Checked & …

  • 6 November

    Women that are declared haraam in Nikaah

    Q: Which women are declared haraam in Nikaah? A: It is impermissible for a person to marry his ascendants and descendants (i.e. his mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on, as well as his daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter and so on). It is also impermissible for him to marry his …

  • 6 November

    Number of Witnesses for a nikaah to be valid

    Q: How many witnesses are needed for the nikaah to be valid? A: It is a condition that two baaligh, sane Muslim males or one baaligh Muslim male and two baaligh Muslim females be present at the time of the Nikah. وأما شروطه… ومنها الشهادة قال عامة العلماء إنها شرط …

  • 6 November

    Shar’i requirements for the validity of Nikaah

    Q: What are the Shar’i requirements for the validity of Nikaah? A: It is a condition for the Nikaah to be valid that the proposal and acceptance take place between the bride and bridegroom or their representatives in the presence of two Muslim baaligh male witnesses or one Muslim baaligh …

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