The Incident of Hazrat Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah)

The Incident of Hazrat Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) was a pious servant and friend of Allah Ta‘ala. He lived in the time of the great Muhadditheen, Hazrat Sufyaan bin Uyainah and Hazrat Fudhail bin Iyaadh (rahimahumallah) and was also very close to them.

In the beginning of his life, Hazrat Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) was not pious. However, Allah Ta‘ala blessed him to make istighfaar and taubah and become a pious friend of Allah Ta‘ala. This is the story of how Hazrat Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) changed his life:

One day, Abdullah bin Marzooq was busy listening to music. While he was busy in this sin, he missed his Zuhr, Asr and Maghrib Salaahs.

When it was the time for zuhr, one of his slave girls came to him and reminded him to perform his zuhr salaah. But, he was so busy listening to music that he did not listen to her and did not perform his salaah.

Then, when it was the time for asr, the slave girl came to him again and reminded him to perform his asr salaah. But, he was so busy listening to music that he did not listen to her and did not perform his asr salaah.

Finally, when it was the time for maghrib, the slave girl came to him for the third time and reminded him to perform his salaah. But, at this time also, he was so busy listening to music that he did not listen to her and did not perform his salaah.

Eventually, when even the time of Esha had passed, and Abdullah bin Marzooq missed his Esha Salaah as well, his slave girl took a burning coal from the fireplace and placed it on his foot.

As soon as the burning coal touched his foot, he shouted out in pain and asked her, “What are you doing!? Why are you burning me?” The slave girl replied, “When you cannot manage being burnt by the fire of this world, then how will you manage being burnt by the fire of Jahannum which is far hotter and more painful?”

When Abdullah bin Marzooq heard this advice from his slave girl, he was affected and began to cry. He felt very bad and very sad that he had been committing sins and did not read so many salaah. He realised that he needed to change his life and become pious.

He turned to Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa, made istighfaar for his sins and performed all the salaahs which he had missed. Then, he stopped all the sins that he was committing. He also took some of his money and gave it away in sadaqah, to make Allah Ta‘ala happy. From that day on, he began to lead a simple life with little money.


  1. Salaah is the second pillar of Islam and is very, very important. We must never ever miss our salaah. Men must make sure that they read their salaah in the musjid with jamaat, and women must make sure that they read their salaah on time at home.
  2. Listening to music is a big sin and it weakens a person’s imaan. We must never listen to music.
  3. If we leave out sins and haraam things, to make Allah Ta‘ala happy, then Allah Ta‘ala will give us far better, in this world and in Jannah as well.

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